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Well, if it isn’t broken while you’re taking it apart and fixing it well, the reels, so those reels are eight inch diameter. And when they get down to six and three quarter, like that was the number there, that’s a service life. And these were at about six and a half. So I said, might as well go ahead and check it just in case something happens to me. So the sounds like our little, or Jacobson’s that our it’s our first meal or out after we talked Chris on the Greenland stuff like that, and this thing is totally worn out and I’m hoping that we can find parts for it so I can retire the fig. My super-easy assisted. They love bringing up this old Jake until we can’t get parts. It’ll still keep making this trip out there. Well, I think there’s a pretty good possibility if as a Jake, that you might not be able to get parts in. If you think about it, uh, it’s getting harder and harder. That’s one reason I don’t buy Jake anymore. Just for that reason. We don’t have a lot of Jake’s suppliers up here and where I am. It’s basically either John Deere Toro and yeah, I have difficulty getting John Deere parts and it’s kind of crazy, but I’ll fix whatever I can and hopefully we get whatever we get. I don’t, I’m really lucky down here because there’s a dish. John Deere has a distribution warehouse in Atlanta, so I get everything the next day straight from distribution, for John Deere, for me, it’s about a week away and I get a shipping charge on top instead of having it be an inventory to departure. So I’ll still pay shipping. Yeah, what was it? Um, it was a chain of some type. I think it was like a $30 chain and $60 shipping. So I said, I’ll just see if I can source something in another gear shop. And that’s what I just ended up doing, just cause it was 90 bucks instead of just 30. Wow. Okay. All right. Thank you very much. Yeah. Anything like that? If I can get it aftermarket, I will. But John Deere is good or bad on however you want to look at it. Uh, making stuff, uh, proprietary to the John Deere. So they’ll call they’ll call Kawasaki and say, make us an engine and don’t sell it to anybody else in the world. So they did that, I think with, um, a Toro as well. I was looking for a motor, right. And for some reason it said Vanguard on it. So it’s like, yeah, let’s go looking for it. And they said, no, we can’t get it. You have to get it through Toro. And it’s like, Hm. All right, then, well, I’ll go see if I can cobble something together. I could jump to your AdWords express motor out of it. The one thing I have found is say a fuel pump on a cow Saki engine. You can get that, but when it comes to some of the internal stuff, you got to go through John Deere and that’s fine. it does sort of keep their part share. In their area and stuff like that, instead of just allowing everything in there. And yeah, I do know about the laws and everything else and proprietary laws where they were, I think somebody was talking about just this week with different engine or other codes, because they said, yeah, you can’t just have all this information that you hold and that nobody else can get. But I saw when it first started coming out, probably about Iver six years ago, instead of just a, a five digit code, they actually went with the seven digit code. So it would give you your computer system that would give you the basic four. And then it had two extra codes on the back that specialized it at manufacturer level. And it was wow. They’re really, really, really getting tricky down. Well, the other thing that I don’t necessarily agree with, and I don’t know if there’s anything, interstate commerce violations, but why do I have to use a certain Toro distributor and my area and same thing with John Deere? I mean, they’re, they’re both the same, I think supplier rights or something with that, but it’s basically a monopoly because I can’t go anywhere else and buy a Toro part. I have to buy it from said distributor. Well, I know like this is Toro has like, so the tarp end of it, then they have the, I guess it’d be like, almost like the, a contractor for like landscape. I can’t remember the two, the two different definitions of the. so before with John Deere, I could go to anybody, but they regulated that just to golf dealers now, like Toro, there’s some stuff I can get through a, another distributor that isn’t my golf distributor. I just depends on what, what, what it, if it is on something that they sell, I can get it. If it isn’t like, say it’s something specific, like migraines about work. I can’t before I used to be able to go John Deere and order reels from anybody that was a John Deere dealer. Now they won’t let you do that at all. One of the same thing with John Deere golf and turf versus John Deere ag and versus John Deere construction, you know, I can’t call up my golf and turf dealer and order something for my skin. I got to go to the construction dealers. He, uh, I think the whole golf thing, they kind of like, from what my understanding, what John Deere was, they wanted only golf dealers because when they had like the ag dealers doing the golf stuff, they didn’t exactly put their time into it per se is what I understand. Uh, I think it’s the, yes, that was my personal opinion. I think they’re trying to sort of spread the wealth out a bit and they’re trying to share it amongst the community because I’m sure that if somebody became really cutthroat and they just said, yeah, we can get you anything. We can get you, whatever you want when you want it as fast as you want, then the other dealerships they might be sorta hurting. So they would like to be able to spread about and keep everybody getting a little. Yeah, but in the, so for instance, Jerry Pate, turf and irrigation is the Toro distributor for 13 states. And I heard rebels turf and tractor, which is a John Deere distributor. They’re a distributor for 10 states. So that’s not really spreading the wealth out. It’s been interesting. Do you know if they do it by population or what demographic they’re using to sort of set it up? Cause it could be a certain amount of golf courses. I don’t know how they’re doing it. It’s just their magic world to say, this is what we’d do it. And we have to dance to their tune. I think they’re buying territory. That’s that’s all I can say too, is somebody’s hands getting grief. So Trent, you can’t buy for your John Deere skid steer. You can’t go through what are you Greenville? Yep. I can go through Greenville, Zack, any John Deere part for my 3 25 skid steer, my 35 G mini X. I can get through rebels. It is rebels also a construction dealer. maybe, I mean, I don’t know. Yeah. Good question, Seth, could you, you, you couldn’t do that with JW though, right? we ordered, I ordered parts for my skid-steer when it was still JW turf. what you don’t realize, so the backend of that is, um, that’s actually, they’re buying the part from. they’re buying the part, that part, transferring it from another dealer to, to them, to you. So they would do that actually came if you bought any of them that was ag related or construction through JW turf, it came from buck brothers in Illinois, and then it would transfer data. The same thing. Well, I don’t w I don’t wine where ours comes, same thing. I don’t, I don’t care where they get it from, but it does, I can order it through rebel. Well, I could order it through JTB turf. Yeah. So, and then the same with Weingart’s when Weingard’s got rid of the golf distributor and they, they w they couldn’t technically get parts. You could still get them. Um, you could still get on them. They would transfer them. Cause w becoming from being on the dealer side, I actually told our parks department, I’m like, well, why are we transferring parts to them? Cause it was at a cost. We would, you know, just a dealer transfer. So like a lot of, a lot of places in Detroit, we’re still getting. From, Weingard’s not costing them any extra. And we were transferring them at call. So it was like, I get it. They were helping, but we were getting less sales that way. Yeah. This totally automotive world. Um, where in the city where I am would have six different Ford dealerships and they would sort of selectively be overbuying in certain areas. And nobody really sort of stepped on each other’s toes. The, they would say, yeah, we’ll get all the electrical here. Okay. Now you go get all the fuel system. You’re okay. You go get the brake systems and they would actually try to be a bit nicer in saying, yeah, we’ll get a cheaper purchase because we’re doing a huge buy and we will try to make it their own little dealership of words. It was, it was really tricky situation that the parts departments would get into, but we wouldn’t have to be paying all the big shipping PDs that it would take to get everything and coming down from another warehouse center. Oh yeah. Everyone gets tricky and they get, they get in their trunk junk for pie as they say, well, what I don’t agree with is you have six, four dealerships and you could go to any one of those and buy an F150. I can only go to one distributor and buy a 33 20. And I don’t think that. But I’m going to get off my soap box. And if y’all want to talk about what are you working on this week? We’ll start talking about what are you working on this week? So we’ll start with you, Chris. What are you working on this week? I I’m about to receive 20 new staff members. So I’m trying to make their world is nicest possible. I’ve reapplied string seat. That a lot of our carriers and club cars, I’m making sure that all the batteries running fields are topped up and tuned up on our car, on our turf equipment parts, just because I don’t need the hassle of them going, oh, I can’t make it run. It’s like, well, if you can make it right, let’s get you. So, yeah, we’re just about to hit the ground running. So, so. We’ve still got to pull off our tarps. Um, I know we’ve got our assistant, our irrigation tech, and they’re running around just throwing water out on the T’s just to keep him alive because we still got ice and snow in some areas. And we’re waiting to start it up. I don’t, could you kinda explain for the group, especially for us southerners, how I know the winter rotation of your irrigation systems, a big deal, and you rent these huge air compressors and do a blow out and all that stuff. What about valving? Velvet and backup. What do you mean by that term? Pressurizing the lines. Oh, okay. Okay. Um, yeah, we do actually a lot of disassembly of some of our major plans that go out there, just so we have open areas. Um, so when we actually get ready to go, uh, they start reassembling everything. They will pressurize the first, the pump house, and then they will open sections of the course. So they’ll do like the front, what is it? One through four, and then they’ll do another section and they have brain valves at the end of that thing, so they can allow pressure or air to get out of it. And then once they actually start seeing water on it and they start shutting it down slowly and I’ll open up another section, but yeah, it’s a pretty big process. I know my super’s always nervous cause you doesn’t want to hear a lot of begging crunching or squeaking or anything out of the pump house. So yeah, it’s pretty wild and crazy. And when we do have a blow up or something like that, or if there was a fracture in one of the irrigation pipes, we have our irrigation tech, these pretty handy with their shovel and it’s out there and he picks us up pretty quick for us as well too. I don’t does your pump system runoff VFD, VFD variable frequency drive. The motor is just on and off or can they ramp up slowly? Yeah, they do that. And once they ramped up to a certain set pressure, I know that the guys monitor the pressure board or the screen on it and they’ll see how long they’ve got. I think it’s like something like 110 PSI on it and they’ll see how long it actually holds for. And then they’ll check to see if it’s cycling and many, many pressure drops. Um, I honestly don’t pay attention too much to them. I’m trying to learn some more of the irrigation because they’ll come in and they’ll say, yeah, this isn’t working and it will be electrical. And I say, do you have an idea? Yeah. It’s, it’s getting to learn everything, but it’s, it’s interesting what they do and how they’re doing it. And I know that I can be great in the shop, but what I’m outside of the shop, I still get a alert, alerting gas. Yeah. I remember our old school pump system that had a clay valve and we had three pumps. There was 2 75 horsepower pumps and a 25 and the 25, we called it the jockey and you return, you would turn on the jockey. And then there was a ball valve that released pressure off the clay valve to open it up. And you would crack that ball valve slightly and start filling the line up, you know, and obviously turn on a bunch of heads. So it would blow all the water out. So you don’t get the air hammer effect and it would take whatever two hours to valve up the system. And now with the new pump station and the VFD, they basically just turn it on and it’s slowly pressurizes. You still have to open some heads up, but it’ll slowly bring it up instead of manually controlling it with a little handbag. Yeah, the guys aren’t doing the manual valve or anything. So I think it might be the later the variable voltage on it, but yeah, there’s still a lot of nervousness. We do fire it up. Right. And I got you. let’s go with Taylor next. What are you working on Tyler? Hey guys. Good to get to be back in. so we got, uh, we’re getting a little extension of winter this week in Southern Ontario. So I got the Sam pros lined up. Uh, I got some bed knives in for my 54 tens that were on back order and, uh, yeah, busy, busy week. And not to mention all the stuff we got going on outside with that ramping up and, and all that stuff. So, it’s going to be a busy one. That’s for sure. One thing I want to say about Sam. I saw this at, where was this at the national golf links of America up in long island. And they had a great system and it was kinda, it was before you got back to the shop and it was basically a pit I’m assuming they had drainage underneath it. And it was filled with like Riverstone and from the great to the Riverstone was probably a foot deep or something like that. And they would pull their sand pros up there and watch all the sand off right there before they went to their wash pad. And I just thought that was one of the greatest ideas that I’ve ever seen to, you know, keep, I think they used a carpool system and to keep sand out of it, they’d rent some out beforehand. So it was the tip of the week right there. Yeah. That’s the wash bay gets pretty mucky. Once you start mixing them, all those things. Clippings and all the other fun stuff that gets put in there. So we have, uh, we have the John Deere 1,208 trap rakes, not oral Sam pros. So, um, I personally like the Stan pros a bit better, but uh, we’ll, uh, we’ll just gotta deal with what you got. Right. Well, don’t tell the, the sports field guys that cause the sports field guys love that 1200 day because I think it’s faster. And I know that was the preferred infield drag on. So for an infield application, I definitely could see that being, being a better unit, but for, for getting a, a bunker kind of tuned up and you know, the it’s not, how do you put this kindly? It’s not the most skilled. Driving those, uh, those bunker machines at the best times at, um, I find the Sam ProCon being in that a little bit slower gives you that nicer product. Yeah, no, I agree. And I pick this up from Rob Campbell and I’ll learn the course he’s out eventually, but he’s up in my ass and Nick’s on here. He might remember where it Rob’s from, but he said, this is one of the few industries that you can drive a $500 car to work and get on a a hundred thousand dollars piece of equipment. That’s right. And, um, I can’t remember who it was, but they started putting the price tags on all the machines. So staff would have a little bit of appreciation for, uh, for the units they’re driving. So it, uh, yeah, that definitely definitely rings true. I believe that was our boys get Pines coupons. Yeah, that, that that’s pretty much all I got for this week. Sweet. What about you, Mr. Beard? Well, I just got back from vacation, so I have really no, uh, idea what I’m in a neighborhood. Just saving the stuff, just getting ready to gear up for the season. We’ve got snow here this week too. So, um, so it sets it back a little bit. Just getting everything ready to rock and roll so late. All right, Seth, we’re, we’re going in, uh, we’re going in a clockwise direction on where everybody’s located. Maybe. I don’t know that I can keep that straight. You talking about located as in where? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Geographically located. So we started with Chris Topher and. Alberta. And then we went to Taylor and Ontario. What? Taylor’s Taylor’s a little east of us. Damn it. I knew I would mess that up. Geez. But you know, it’s CA it’s Canada, so it’s hard to keep a track on that big country. I don’t know. I don’t know what I think. Check some more equipment. Double-check some more equipment before we start moaning. We haven’t emoting than yet though. Uh, we’re kinda just waiting. How close are you pretty soon? Uh, yeah, we’ll probably most something this week. I would imagine. I would, I would hope, yeah, we got finished, uh, double checking all of our equipment that we went through this winter. I think, uh, we got, aerification coming up and first, first and second week of April. So probably go through the air fires times, make sure I get everything ready for that. So there’s no. Are y’all wall-to-wall bent grass. yeah. Well, yeah. Rough is bluegrass. Okay. And turf type tall fescue. and it’s kind of a hodgepodge, but yeah. So what do you, what do you prefer you like the cool season? I do. I like having an off season to where we can, you know, when I was down at star grass, it was just, my mind was blown with one, the amount of equipment I’ve ever made. I’ve seen some places that have equipment and this place tops them all. I mean, it’s, they’ve got probably more, I know for a fact they have more than any, uh, dealership does currently, but, no, I mean, it was mean it’s impressive. The, the amount of equipment they’ve got down there and I, the whole week I was there, I don’t know how you find time. With an operation like that to go through meticulously that we’re able to do in Michigan? yeah, it’s pretty wild. I don’t know. I, I do prefer, I do prefer cold season. I don’t think it beats your mowers up as much as a Bermuda or Zoysia or Paspalum, or, you know, a lot of those warm season tariffs. Yeah. I agree with that. A hundred percent. What all, what all did you do? It’s all grass. so I was changing pens on the back nine all week and then, uh, which is fun. And then I helped out in the shop a little bit, um, you know, helping those guys move mowers around. Like I try to stay, I don’t know. It’s not my kitchen. I don’t like to be in people’s way. So yeah. Yeah, that that’s, that’s a tough road. You just kinda got to fill it out. I’m the type that you have to literally grab me and tell me what to do. Um, so yeah, no, it was, it was, it was a fun time. It was a blast. while I got you here, I did send you an email about being on the podcast. Okay. I’ll have to look through my email. Okay. If you didn’t not get it, you let me know. I’m putting you on the spot right here in front of everybody. Uh, geez. Yeah, I’ll look at my email. No pressure. What email was it sent to? that’s a good question. I’ll look here in a minute and let you know. Cause I don’t remember. all right, John, what, what are you working on? so right now in the shop, I have our older 59, 10, uh, pretty much, heat exchanger. The intercooler out of it. Ah, rad fan out of it because it blew a front main seal last year. So it literally poured oil everywhere. How many of have, we have two at my, well at the park that I’m attached to, in our whole parks system. Uh, I think we’re up to like six or seven of them. Wow. Yeah. There, there are a lot of money. Yeah. Yeah. A whole lot of money. Do you got any, uh, five eighties? No. No. Okay. Lucky you. So they come out with the 5,900 and then the 59, 10 shortly after ride, as I was leaving the Toro district. So all the ones I got to work on where the five 80 days, and there were not a lot of fun. And I remember, so I had a customer, he was, uh, at Fort Stewart and they maintain the air force base down there, or the army base, I don’t think, yeah, it wasn’t air forces, army, but, uh, and I think they had five or six of them. And the craziest thing in the hydrostat, the key that drove the G rotor for the charge pump was like a 16th inch key. It was the tiniest key you’ve ever say for this huge machine. And it would share that key. And you had to pull the hotter stat out. And man, it was a mother, but we figured out a system. I mean, he counted did too, but you could raise up the back hood cause it flipped backwards and then use the roll bar and we’d take a four by four and put it over the roll bar and then take a chain fall and hooking around the hydrostat and whence the hydrostat out of there and rebuild the hotter step. Put it back together. Yeah. Those those fun times. Yeah. Well this is a, I don’t leave much room to get the crank pulley off. Let me tell you so I’ll hope and I think it has like 4,000 plus hours on it now. So I’m hoping it, uh, it wants to come off without me pulling the motor, but we’ll see what happens. I’m getting there. They, uh, cause they esteem steam cleaned it before it got to me. But it’s still, I mean, I probably pulled 10 pounds of oily, dirty grass remnants out of this thing already. It’s, it’s, it’s, it’s a mess, but it’s like, I got that in my shop. And then we started my one, like a week or two ago. So trying to check reels and, you know, put out fires the golf course while I’m trying to do a big job as kind of, kind of fun. So, I guess I know the end of this week, we’re supposed to air right? Uh, greens and tees. Luckily we don’t actually do the aeration part. We just go behind them. Cause uh, we had like a GA 30 and we were trying to do like say like 31, whole 31 greens with the So that was. And you only had one. Gee, I thought, I thought you needed at least three GA thirties to keep one GA 30 and operation. Well, you do. We got, we had another little machine, but w uh, the good one we had the north course at some point, decided to test it on concrete. So you can imagine how well that they was. But, uh, but, uh, it was a couple of years ago now that we, uh, kind of subbed out, um, all our greens, aeration, the company, they come in and they, they find your holes and we go right behind them, clean them up and top dress and do all that stuff. So that’s awesome. And it works better, I guess, in a way, because there’s no way they’d buy us like 2, 6 40. That we would keep it. Our course they’d have to get it moved back and forth. And when that happens, things happen here at our place. It’s like, it’s a mess. Cause like, actually our, uh, our core harvester gets swapped between a north and south course. Cause they usually just blow their cores off before and they decided they want to pull them off. So we had a core harvester and they borrowed it and every time it comes back and I fix it, right. I was going to ask how many core harvesters do you have to keep one around it? There’s a thing here. Yeah. One. Uh, but uh, it, uh, I pretty much have rebuilt it like completely at this point. It’s, it’s been going pretty good since it’s been rebuilt, but first few years where it’s always. Yeah, do everything you can to think it’s going to run, it’s going to run and then they get three holes in and you’re out there running, trying to put a fire out. Yeah. Yeah. I have two of them. And then I try to keep basically another one in a box, you know, just the parts. So the hydraulic motor, the belt, the elevator chain, those stupid plastic things that wear out. I actually, yeah. That worst trip. So on the wear strip, you know, it was a piece of wood that you can get from Jacobson now for $150. So I bought new ones and then I fabs, um, out of solid, uh, I think it was HDPE plastic and it, the whole thing out of plastic and that’s been working pretty. Yeah, I got slots in there. Song the justice. Funny story about that is, uh, so we broke our chain. We’re going to get back together to keep it going look down. Like it was a weird piece of wood in here. What’s this thing. So after like we were done full off the old, you know, parts book, that’s probably as low as me. I was like, huh, there’s supposed to be a piece. That’s like a wire strip on this thing. I start looking at that piece of wood and it was wore down clear down to like the bolts. I like, oh, who does like when the last time they had worked on it before I did, but it’s funny. I think it kinda got it, kinda got it in a somewhat state of working as good as it can, hopefully when it comes back, who else wants to, uh, tell us what they got going on this. What do you have going on? Right. So I’m rebuilding a seven gang pull frame. And I said this earlier, you’re late to the show, but, uh, I’ve been working on it for like three weeks. Of course, I was gone for two weeks on my road trip and I was waiting on parts to come in. But so I’m replacing all the reels because they’re below the minimum spec. And so this thing’s a 1988 and we rebuilt it completely, I think in maybe 2014. I mean, we sent the frame off, had it sandblasted and painted and it looked brand new and we replaced all the reels at that point. So it’s time to replace them again. And since we had it and since 88 is that seven blades. But we Mo uh, live between a inch and three quarter to two and a quarter it’s kind of our range and the clip will work better with the five blade rail and Toro doesn’t have any seven blade reels. So I order five blade reels and I’m crossing my fingers that it’s going to be okay. The director agronomy, I told him what I was doing, and he got real nervous and that made me even more nervous just because we’ve been around in the seven blade rails since 1988. And sometimes we’re scared to make changes. And I really hope that I don’t have to go back to seven blade rails after I put, you know, three weeks of labor and rebuilding these things. Is that, do you guys use that for like wide open areas or just driving range or what are you using that for all our rough. All the mode rough. So we have two or, well, we have 1 30, 100, the set at two inch that does the trim and that modes the rest of our roof. And then our, we have another 3,100 that set at one inch and we mow all our tee boxes at one inch gadget. And then we have some short fescue, rough, and we just mow it with a Z turn at whatever three and a half, four inches. What, what blade? Uh, what do you use it on the 3,100? Is that the real mower or is that the Sidewinder Sidewinder? Yeah. Well, it’s a real mower, but yeah, you get the real, the real is on it, on the sidewalk. So what blade for what blade? How many blades are you guys running in those? I think it’s a seven, seven or eight, whatever Toros is. I don’t remember exactly off the top of my head Vermont. Yeah, that sounds right. Eight Blake. Sure. Cause there’s the seven blader, right? Here’s you can get a seven or a five, but those, those big 30 and thrills. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I guess it’s on a blade and it seems to work fine. I want to answer and find it two inches. I did a swap the rollers out. I had the ones from Toro, the groove rollers, and I was, I hate those things. They’re terrible. So I put golf Cubs on there. The plastic rollers. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. It’s like a roller out of plastic. That’s probably not the best idea. Well, and the golf coach was out of plastic where they just hold up a lot longer. But the thing I like about the golf coach over the Toro roller is it’s about a half an inch longer. And the Toro roller, when you got it in there, there’s only, I don’t know. I mean, at the most three sixteenths and the roller bracket on both sides. So if they bumped something like, you know, they’re going to bump something, it would knock the roller out. And then the roller goes into the real, I, that happened a lot. Geez. Yeah, fun times. But I know a lot of people are using rotary on rough. And if it works for you, it works for you, but I’m not a fan of rotary on. Because go ahead. When I, when I lived in Georgia that’s we wrote we a real mode, rough. And the only negative thing to that is if you grow your rough out for a tournament to, you know, we had, we hosted the Georgia open where I was at several years, a couple of times, and we’d grow it up to three inches, but standard, we would keep it at an inch and a half, but going from that three inches back down to an inch and a half, I think it usually took about a month and a half to get back down to that cutting height. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Well, the other problem and Georgia and August, I don’t know the technical term, I call it the Palm tree effect. So all your leaf material is at the tip of the plant and the rest of it is. And that STAM keeps growing. You keep mowing the leaf, you keep mowing the Leafs, and then finally you end up cutting all the Leafs off and you’re left with a stamp and it looks terrible. So what we usually do and why I was giving you that huge range, we want to start the season at two inches and we end the season at two and a quarter, and that’s usually enough to bump us up. So we don’t do all the scalping in August. Yeah. But you get a better finish with the reel on a Bermuda grass when you’re cutting it at two inches. Well, that’s the other thing with the rotary, you still have the Palm tree effect and the Rotary’s a vacuum and yeah. You can put low sell blades on it and all that stuff. And Don cotton, you know, he’s got those super low sell blades, which, uh they’re okay. But I know a lot of people in my area jumped all over those and said they were the best players ever. But when I got to figuring out on it and I tried them on, I got an 8,800 and I tried them on my 8,800 and took it out. And I was like, Ooh, this looks perfect. But then I dug a little bit deeper. And the John Deere blade was almost a quarter inch lower. The actual cut was that, well, not the actual, but on the bench, the John Deere Blake said about a quarter inch lower than the turf Platt blight. So if I were to raise the deck up a quarter inch with the John Deere blades, it would probably look really good too, because I wouldn’t cut in anything. You know what I mean? Yeah. So anyway, things we learned, well, a couple more people hopped on here. Let’s see, who wants to speak next? Ron, Cheryl talk. How’s everybody doing tonight? Doing good. What are you working on this week? well, it started out, I’ve got through that aerification equipment that I bought back from Vic nap that, uh, that’s 8, 12 98, 8 4. And then I got to go through that burrito, Cedar. So Seth, you’ll probably be getting a call when I go to calibrate that. And then, uh, I know we’re pulling some tarps, uh, doing a little bit of concrete work. Uh, the big thing is transfer pump from one irrigation pond to the other. It’s like three quarters of a mile. And, um, we installed a new driving range last year and the one irrigation pond can’t keep up with us. We had to transfer water out from the other one. Otherwise I don’t always start verification on greens tomorrow with 2, 6 48, 4 boxes and all that. Okay, that go Smith. Yeah. Brian, uh, feel free to give me a call on that radar. Anytime you want one, it seems pretty straightforward, but it’s pretty simple. That’s that’s why, that’s why I like it so much. Cause it’s there’s, there’s no like mechanical, nothing’s gonna wear really on it. I asked the amps them all to get scold us, our radios and asked them how often we got to replace the disc. And he said about every 19,000 acres. Oh wow. So they will probably never be replaced. There’s no chains. There’s none of that. It’s like a tr uh, what’s the, what’s the one I’m thinking of. No, not the air. That’s the second. That’s the second best, but try wave. Yeah. Yeah. Try away, you know, the try waves, that maintenance nightmare with all those chains. Gotcha. Yeah. This one’s ground, ground driven who, uh, who sells it. Uh, whoever was, I may have in your area. Like I get mine through my, my John Deere distributor. Okay. I got you. How long did it take you to get that seed and pattern down and the picture you shared? that was the first fairway I did. And that was with the director of agronomy. I think one of the architects was standing there watching me. And a couple other important people. That was a, I mean, that was one of the most impressive, uh, seed beds I’ve ever seen. They said, let it wrap. Cause I just let it rip. I asked him what direction he goes. I don’t care. Just do it three different directions. Now that looked awesome. And they used to go up somewhere. Send it to GCSA. I can use that for marketing or something. Yeah. Well I know radio has those pictures for their marketing, but yeah, that’s awesome. That was really, really cool. How about Jerry? Well, you working on Jerry on tonight. Good man. How you doing? Pretty good. Just shout out stuff at the TPC couple of weeks ago. I, with them a little bit. I’m sorry. I said, I hear, sorry. I was this kid. We got a lot in it, up at air. Yeah, I really won’t be able to find that email now sprint. Yeah. Well, so I sent it to, uh, the Oakland Hills and then I just re sent it to your Gmail. So I don’t want to hear it. Yeah. It was a good deal. I worked the tournament Monday through Wednesday when it was dry and then left on the perfect day on Wednesday night. Awesome. Yeah, I think stuff and them got a little wet afterwards. Are you out there in the rain gear? Nah, I was, I went out squeegeed on Thursday and Friday. Okay. Gotcha. I got soaking wet, right. That’s why I brought my own range. Yeah. I feel for you guys out there. I think, uh, if I remember correctly, our oldest system is an assistant there now are back there again. And I think they stayed all Thursday night there. Uh, TPC crude worked through the middle of. Yeah. They sent us home. Yeah. They kept the crew though. You have Morgan? Yeah. The long night for him. So now this week, uh, just going through your new equipment that was delivered last week, uh, got go through some fairway mowers and grind grasses growing, uh, air find some fairway spa. Um, Kubota tractor was lifting up an air fire and not, it’s not lifting up their fire. So I have to go through that and, uh, write some training mails for some of the new equipment that came in. I don’t w what do you do when you say riot training manuals? You just go through the manual and pick out the stuff that you want to give to the operators. Yeah. We have training sheets that we go through that, uh, myself, the superintendent and the assistant will, uh, kind of spread that out and we write them up and try to keep them universal. So they kind of flow along with each piece of equipment and then take detail. So we start out. PPE, what you have to have and then check your job assignment and we use, um, kind of the, uh, bracket and follow Aero style. I can send you a copy of it if you want Trent, if you wouldn’t mind. because I’m currently working on that for every piece of equipment I got and I’m a little, I’m a little overwhelmed. Yeah. It’s time consuming. No doubt, but when it’s done, it’s good. And then of course there’s depends on the piece of equipment. We’ll have five, six questions that the have, make them take a test on it at the end. And then of course, statement in there by no means, is this the actual official training manual that you have to actually read the main, which we provide, if they want to sit down and read it, which is fun, so, okay. Yeah. Yeah. That’s awesome. Yeah. Please send me that. That would be great. Will be very, very helpful. Um, I think Matthew, yeah. What are you, what are you working on math? Um, nothing as at Satan, as you guys, uh, whatever you don’t ever slow down down there, do you? Yeah, we do store it. All of it. Um, we finished punching our green last freighter. I’m still planting the nine-hole sharpers cause you built into two new golf courses. You’re planting you fear. He has in greens on the course. but next week you only tell him I’m going to be doing Rudy. And his shop is converting my lead acid cars to lithium rewiring, the battery control orders and stuff. I’m converting them all to em, Kurtz. while they wit my free to new golf cart from club car does really the biggest thing that I’m doing. I have a bunch of parts on order to rebuild my 2 4500 tars, but those won’t be here anytime soon. Yeah. Um, procuring parts for me is a headache is at least two to three months these days because of, supply chain issues. I need to now we, in advanced, when we went through a major rebill on my I’m way more, but you had to manage your them. What are we doing? Is this chin converting my golf carts to this beam? that was a bullshit. That sounds like a pretty interesting fun topic. And so converting to lithium, do you have to change the controller? Do you have to change the battery charger? Yeah. So the battery charger changes. The controller remains just beam me, rewire the controllers technically, by some components, the car still how the brick and feature when it’s all said and done. but I didn’t not did the actual battery management has changed. about the charges a changed for a smaller 44, lithium charger because the battery management system is different. uh, the carrots are rockets when they’re finished. Cause I did a few of them in the past about a fine pass to be a much more reliable than he did. I said, parks there, she pres walk for me here in Barwon. They’re much, much cheaper, easy to maintain or diversity mean it’s free. so that was a kind of new brand to convert. Uh, but yeah, there is a cool color version of it, some pictures. And, and saying to you guys, any group chat. Oh yeah, definitely do. That is very awesome. So I just ordered last address. I ordered them in December 23, Cushman holler pros and they are lithium and I’ve been running, lead acid, Cushman holler. And I was talking to the sales guy back in the fall and he’s like, eh, there’s not, they’re not available in lithium yet. So I was getting ready to go down that road and I was going to buy the cards and put lithium packs in them. So I would love to see the research you’ve done and how that worked out. It was it, was it a kit? Well, no, it’s not a key. Um, so rehab this local Erie company here in Barbie, that’s called mega power and they’re specialized in selling EVP vehicles, Nissan leaf, D M G um, some other ed vehicles. so on they also build battery pack or off grid solar systems. So I just network with them a bit, bolt somebody’s ideas off of them and let them know what they want to do. I want, uh, we came up with both boundaries between. So the electric bill battery pops from scratch, everything from scratch. And then we rewired the carts, via Sony back B requirements. So yeah, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s a kit. It’s all from scratch. What we do. It w what we do here. Um, it’s kinda, it’s kinda cool. Brain is all said and done, because with that knowledge we can call anything we choose to, to lithium. Um, I just bought two new Polaris on utility vehicles. the, those and CC, uh, at speed. Yes. Be one of those ones. I was going to get the, they have a, an electric Polaris, but thing is only available in the lead acid. I’m not, I’m not sure they’ve got lithium Polaris yet. Well, I was going to get a letter. I said, when I convert, I tell the team as well, but. That would have caused a little bit of problems because it would still be under warranty. So didn’t want to dabble with that. So just somebody gasoline, Polaris, one what was in, but yeah, definitely show you what I did to convert these things, the lithium by and, what are used and how we meant to boat it. That was easy enough. Yeah. I would definitely be very interested in that. That’s a, that’s a cool conversion for sure. I don’t have I made it around the room. Anybody else wanna talk about what will they be working on this week? I noticed, I noticed Mike left cause we want to talking about reels. Yes. That’s what I was thinking and I didn’t invite him to speak. So he might’ve got by her, uh, I think it may have been the, uh, the ramp earlier Trent, about, uh, parts pricing within vendors or something that it seems a vendor he’s like, oh, I believe. Yeah. But that’s not necessarily the, no, I know. I’m just playing Mike. Yeah. That’s funny. Yeah. Pretty funny. Yeah. Well, I like picking on Mike as much as I can. I’m kind of scared that Dewayne might show up. Yeah. For, uh, for my, got to see the, uh, the beard chaos firsthand on a Monday night had all three of my kids and my wife had dinner and it got to one point when my wife just stops and she looks up and she goes, I’m taking the. And leaving. It was so bad. I feel bad for him. That’s that’s funny. I’m sure though. I mean, that’s part of it having kids. I can’t imagine the three boys though. All at one time. Yeah. My wife wasn’t too happy that the start of our vacation was Monday and our flight didn’t leave until like 11. So I went into work and started grinding wheels and then ended the day with sitting there and having a couple beers with Mike, talking about going down rabbit holes and all that whatnot. It was so God, God bless her heart. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Now you get, you got a special one there for sure. Anybody else? Uh, yeah. When’s your next, uh, tour going to be next winter? Yeah. I mean, best case would be this fall. You know, the fall gets kind of crazy too. Cause the Carolina show, I definitely will try to hit that. And then you got Thanksgiving and then next thing you know, it was Christmas. So I don’t, I mean, if I could squeeze in one before Christmas, that would be pretty cool. I’ve always wanted to go out to long island and tour those places. I mean, if you ever get a chance, I mean, it’s definitely worth it. And I was surprised being out there, you know, I don’t know, whatever you see on the news and you think New York and this heavily populated city and all that stuff, but out there where Jr’s at, I mean, it’s the country almost, and they’ve done a really good job of not letting it, you know, build up every house out there, I think has at least three quarters of an acre, if not an acre lot. And then there’s a bunch of plates. There’s a bunch of farms out there where they’re growing potatoes. I mean, it kind of just blew my mind. And I was asking Jr about it. I was like, why, you know this land so valuable. Why is there a farm here? And they’re grown potatoes, you know, I know there’s not that much money and potatoes. And he said that the people don’t need the money. So they’re like, I like my little farm. I’m keeping my farm, but I couldn’t imagine what the taxes are out there on all that stuff. That’s the cost of living is really high. Is there a trade school? Is that what I keep hearing from Jr. There a trade school out there? I don’t understand exactly, but he keeps talking about it. I need to look it up, but I think it is some type of trade school. ’cause in my mind trade school in long island, doesn’t really, uh, go together from, from what I know of. So that’s what I was just curious if there was like a legitimate trade school out there. I don’t, I mean, I guess so. And so the I’m trying to think Jagger was the guy’s name that was working for him now. And I think he’s still in high school, but he’s also part of this trade school and that’s how he gets to come work with Jr. A couple of days a week. And it sounds like he’s been doing it for a couple of years. That’s awesome. Yeah, no, it was super cool. But I remember Jr saying it took him like five years talking to whoever at the school before they ever agreed to it. So, and I mean, like Ben’s story of, I mean, everybody’s got stories of how much time they’ve spent trying to get in wherever before they never find the right person to talk to. Yeah, we’ve got this, um, program for the high school students. They call it wraps. It’s a registered apprenticeship program. And if the high school students actually want to go into a trade, that’s recognized within our province, um, they can sort of talk with one of their apprenticeship board people and they place them with, uh, with different companies that will utilize them as a journeyman later on in life. So I think there are a few of these, some high schools are dealing with since last week. I don’t know whether. The GCSE or someone should be actually mentioning that there is a technical aspect for the golfers shriek, other than promoting a duty and automotive, just heavy duty oil fields, agriculture or automotive. So it’s just another thing where, yeah, it could be another source of employment for some people. Yeah. I think there’s trade jobs everywhere. It didn’t just, you know, with us, whether it’s a pop filter, pop, fitter, welder, electrician, you know, all those jobs need more people in them. But back to Seth, if you want to go to long island, just let Jr know he’ll hook you up. cause his course, they own three houses there and think, probably find a room. And I do that because the cost of living so expensive there. Yeah. It’d be, it’d be a sweet to go out there and see all those golf courses that are what Jared was saying. 15 miles away from each other. Aspirin, BeltLine, Shinnecock. Yeah. So there’s two others. So there’s Shinnecock national. I can’t remember the one. and then south Hampton and they all almost border each other, those four courses. And we didn’t go to south Hampton because the guy wasn’t going to be there, the mechanic wouldn’t that day and the other place, I’m not, I don’t remember why we didn’t go there, but, and Shinnecock, you know, all these big tournaments and all that stuff. And it’s cool. You know, I mean, I’m not bad mouth in that, but going to national and seeing their maintenance facility and set up, I mean, it’s state of the art. It was. Shinnecock. It was, it was nice, but it wasn’t really anything special. And national was definitely special. And then in Westhampton they had just redone their shop. I think they just moved in like last fall and it was really nice, but I don’t, I wasn’t a huge fan of the layout and how they’d done it and all that stuff. What’s y’all’s opinion on Grindr rooms. Well, that, again, what’s your opinion on grinders or grinder rooms? I think it’s a must. I don’t have one. You start getting that grinding grit in there and get it in your lung thing. It depends on the setup. I think a lot, like if you, if the shop is designed to have one. Go for it. But if, if it’s just a, uh, a bar and open space, you can set up and there’s plenty of guys that have have decent Grindr set ups that don’t have them in specific rooms. I’ve never been a fan. And that’s why I asked the question because I don’t like the hassle of getting the cutting unit in the room and getting the cutting unit out of the room. And that’s something I saw at Shinnecock. They had a tiny grinding room and they had two real grinders in there. And the two bed knife grounders were out of the ground and room. But if I gained any more weight, I would not be able to fit between the wall and the grinder to get to the other side and grind the reel. And I don’t, as, it’s never really been a big fan of that, I I’m not, uh, I don’t care about the dust kind of dust issue, more of a noise issue for me. Well, and I get that and that’s why I got enclosed fully. So I’m not worried about it. Yeah. And I definitely had trouble getting my fixed, had walkers onto the old Bernard’s at the, uh, up at the, when I was at the rock. Cause, cause the room was just so limiting, but it, it couldn’t bad if the room is big enough. And then for the, for the application, it can be done well, but I’m, I’m pretty neutral in that regard. Anybody else want to speak to grounder rooms? I would love to have a grinder room just to sort of keep the dust down and keep the noise down. And they’d be another place for me to hide if I had to. That’s what the pop pass as far, you need to get more familiar with the pop house. Well, I try, but that’s where my super hides. I saw a couple, um, uh, visited a couple of courses in, there was one in our area. They had a beautiful grind route. They have great ventilation in it. They had exhaust fans on each grinding unit that was in there. Um, they had it on their bed, knife grinder as well. They had great lighting in it and it was probably their cleaner area of the place just because they wanted to keep the grinding area for steam. It must’ve been the newest part of the budget that they spent slowly. I took a shot of a facility in Michigan and they’re grinding and addict, separate grinding room, but the door get into it. I think like a 12 foot roll-up door. Okay. Yep. So, I mean, it was super nice, really wide able to get any of them and you could probably mower. And if you wanted to, yeah. What are the, I guess, just roll in the cutting units on the floor though, to get them in there. Yeah. So, I mean, I’ve, I’ve got my granddaughters, they’re separate room. It is a small room. Um, but, but I had it set up for that the, uh, the table, the lift gate, but early at the bending of door, there’s probably three feet on either side that I can sneak five, eight, but as far as like cutting units, I don’t have to them for granted, but I’ll do as. To ferry mowers under that door and strip them down. They just basically all under the table. Really convenient. Yeah. Yeah. I got you. I don’t, I installed a bridge crane at my shop and Midtown, and I love that thing. I’ve only used it a couple of times, but the full time tag down there, he’s, he’s loving it. It’s been, uh, been really, really great. And I’ve been talking to, uh, I think it’s LA Lista. They make, uh, parts cabinets and that kind of stuff about making a accustomed drawer system to store cutting units. Cause we got all the spare cutting units are maintenance units. As Mike likes to call them and John Patterson, it wouldn’t be a. a real turf tech real talk Twitter space. If John Patterson’s name was not mentioned. So now, now that’s official and don’t get me wrong. I love John. He’s a great guy, but, uh, anyway, my tears are burning right now. Yeah, yeah. Yep. We’ll be, uh, seeing Dwayne. So anyway, I got a price on that and I just got to get that approved and I’m really excited about that. That’ll be so cool. So it’s just a drawer. So you pull the drawer out, lower the cutting unit and didn’t roll the drawer back current. How busy is there? What is your cranes rated to what we can be going with this or to the, you know, 500, 500. Okay. So it’s pretty small then. Yeah. And that’s the nice thing about it. And, you know, I wanted to over crane. I didn’t even know that was a term, but when I was talking to these people, the guy said, yeah, a lot of people they want to over crane. And that was me. I wanted over crying. I wanted a 2000 pound capacity so I can lift anything I wanted to, but I knew that the primary thing I’d be lifting was cutting units, which we got QA sevens down there. So they weighed, you know, whatever, 180 pounds. So I definitely wanted to be able to lift those comfortably. And anyway, after talking to him and all that stuff, it was cheaper to get a 500 pound capacity. And the bridge, the width is 25 feet and the link is 30. And I, I don’t remember if I sent that to Jerry or not. I think he asked me for it, but I got it. How much was. The, uh, the price of it is like 10,000. I thought, well, no, I thought I said 11, but then maybe no, I said it was a lot more than that, but yeah, the quote was, yeah. Around, you mentioned they’re pretty close. Cause we’re looking at the architect of that, uh, things that as well. So the bridge is aluminum, so it doesn’t have any motors and it slides back and forth. Really easy. Go ahead to that. I’m sorry. No, you’re good. Jerry, what’d you think of that crane? It it’s. The lift thing is massive. Oh yeah. It’s uh, there was definitely some design flaws there somewhere. Um, it’s, it’s pretty good, but that’s all the operation and, uh, um, they need another one somehow, because one is just not enough. The operation of. The whole room the whole day is not big enough. It’d be like double as size. Yeah. Yeah. Everyone, the TPC shop for his mana equipment, they have the mechanical spaces, pretty small, or for guys to were out of, but they had some pretty sweet roll-up doors. Yeah. The roll-up doors are pretty nice. I don’t know what that one is. That goes up by two seconds that I won’t want follow the clear one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. So is it a true, roll-up like an overhead rolling door or is it more like garage door style? What are we talking about here? No, it’s a roll up door. That’s like super speedy, super speedy. Um, I got the name of the, on my computer at the office. I’ll have to look it up because I asked him about, so, so basically they got two shop doors going into the. And then they have a smaller, clear door that goes to Warland Walmart store. And so they funnel, they funnel the push trailers in and each mower comes off the trailer and goes up onto the set-up table. And, uh, they checked their cut and then it goes onto the granite stable and they check and make sure everything is square. And if it’s not, then they pull it off and they’ll instead of the siding, grab a spare mower to put on and then go back to that one later. But just obviously for the terminal, they got a lot of mowers check, but just, um, non tournament too, they still have a lot of mowers to check. It takes them about six hours to check all their walking mowers daily basis. Wow. That’s crazy. Labor-intensive yeah. And I know the old quarter manager when he was there, um, talk him a little bit, you know, one o’clock they would get a height change and they’re like, Hey, uh, we changed her mom will either run a lower than normal race. I got to start all back over and do it again and get them done for the next day. Wow. What all did you do down there? Jerry? Just stay in the shop. Yeah, it was in the shop just taking cutting units apart, put them together. Ground a couple of bed knives, um, was, was Chris from first Langley, from Bernhard working with him and the grinding room. Gotcha. And, uh, they closed the door. Uh, the equipment manager wants to close the doors. And then when he closed the doors, even though he has his boss fan on, you can pace the grinding grip, even though they got, they got vacuums in Grindr still, but man, it’s just been way to get out of there. Plus it out too very loud with those doors closed. Yeah. Why were they, why do they want to close the doors? Because they didn’t want to hear the noise on the shop. Yeah, that’s sucks. Yeah. But you know, they cause the downside is, is that we are using the lift gate of the grinder to take cutting and apart and put back together. So that’s kind of where the why there lab, there’s a machine wasn’t closed by. Right, right, right, right. Did they not have a, another assembly table or anything like that? Uh, they have one after that’s all they do. They just some bull. And this summer on the back of a work gate grinders. Yeah. I’ve got a, I’ve got a video on that speed. Roll up door that I’ll um, I had to take a video of, I can’t wait to see it. Anybody else got anything else? Ooh. So the bridge crane you put in, how high is that thing? To the hook, like, is there a lift in that? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So there is a lift in the garage. I got a rotary lift and the bridge crane comes almost right to the rotary lift. So it would not go over the rotary lift if it was, you know, if it was longer, it would hit the road lift, but the way that set it up and the way that shop functions, the shops, whatever, I guess, 50 by 25 basically is our space down there. And it’s a nine hole course that has enough equipment for an 18 hole course. This is like, my shop is a Jerry saw it. I got enough equipment probably for 36 holes, but that’s all good. Um, so yeah, it works out good. So we pulled them over in, you know, behind the lift. Take the cutting units off and went to, and I goes right in the grinder round to our table. And then whenever we get our real storage system, I’ll have to get a good video of it the next time I’m down there. Okay. I was trying to picture it and I was like, kind of confused the house set up. Why don’t I have some pictures, I’ll try to, I’ll put them in the WhatsApp group. So I look at my, I look at my shop and I’m like, I don’t actually have to in here because, but I also have like oil or heat overhead. So it’s goofy. Well, that was the other thing. We got a gas furnace and the back of the shop. So that was a little tricky working that out. Cause I had to get it up high enough to be able to load a reel and the real grinder. And then I had to get it low enough to go under the heater. So that was. Actually we put the lift and we had to have, uh, then move this, like the steam pipes for the one heater. It was in the ceiling and a move over. Cause if they were where they were at, like a roll, like if I were folded, like if at the nine, 10 up on my lift, the cab would be up into the heating lines. So it’s like, it’s, it’s weird. Just, just set up some different shops, you know? Well, I mean, that’s, to me the best thing about seeing all the different shops is you just get all these different ideas. Like, Ooh, I could do that at my shop or that would never work at my shop. Yeah, yeah. Whatever it is. Yeah. Like they built my shop without figuring they’re going to work on a hidden, again, it is a hill to come in up into it. I’m like, what were you thinking? Cool. Yeah. Yeah. I’ll throw some pictures up. Well, if mark was here, we would go for another 45 minutes, but he’s not so. Oh, great. Great. Now, now there’s going to be another 45 minutes. No, it’s all good. What are you guys? Uh, what do you guys think of that line? Oh, cutline yeah. Let’s, let’s talk about cutline and let’s talk about rabbit holes and how deep you want to go. Okay. Um, I’m fine talking about that. And I’m fine talking about using my 1988 pull frame to reel my rough. That’s pretty sweet. Yeah. And I’ll, I’ll put that up against the cutline any day of the week, but we all need to do the play with Mike. And we talked to him again, is, is a cutline. We need to say lime cut. And then instead of rabbit point. Paul rabbit. That’ll be good. That’ll be really good. Did, uh, did you get him, Jerry calling him, telling him that you’re getting the prestige package from a Bernhardt? That’s funny. Yeah. I told them if they threw it in, they threw it in the package. If it costs the funny thing the, I heard couldn’t believe it, guys. I heard crickets and then I finally got on the other end, so I had to take those kids on the street was still alive on the other hand. Well, it’s funny, just real quick. How long you been running golf hole rollers on your 3,100? Um, I quite some time, I don’t know, four or five years maybe. Is that, uh, both the front and rears actually. I just got them on the front right now. The only reason I don’t have them on the. Is the rears that and went bad. Yeah. Fair enough. Yeah. That’s honest answer on that. And, well, yeah, when I done the interview with Brandon Hogue and he was talking about the roller timer and how great it was, honestly, that’s the only reason I hadn’t bought a roller Tamer is I’ve just been buying golf code rollers. So I don’t do a whole lot of roller rebuilding and that’s probably a good way to go sometimes. Yeah. I mean, honestly, I hate rebuilding rollers who doesn’t, I mean, and even rolling invented the roller timer. And he said that was the main reason he invented it is he hated rebuilding rollers and they wanted to find a way to make it easier just to have the guys in the car. Yeah. But that was my rollers. No, actually I’ll just wear out the end. All in the car pass. When I got 4 75 hundreds and I got them fitted with new units, I got them fitted with a golf cart rollers, and luckily Greenville, turf, and tractor I’ll do that. And next time I order a Toro, real something, I’m going to see if they’ll do that. They probably won’t. But you know, they charge you for the front rail or anyway. So I’ll just tell them, leave that off and I’ll order my own rollers. The only thing that sucks is then I can’t get it into the capital purchase. Yeah. Uh, I can’t figure out what’s going on my, uh, my cutting units yet. Cause it’s going to be like almost a year since we ordered them. Well, yeah. I wanted to ask you that, Jerry, what, when did you order yours? And you’re just now getting some yeah, we ordered. Oratorial stuff and probably won’t be here still, probably March, April 23. Wow. That’s crazy. I think you piece them out. Peace of mind. What do you mean? Like buy all the parts to build them yourself? Yeah, I’d like to, but probably can’t even get it that way either. I keep on, like, I keep joking with my Toro guy. Hey, just send me all the arts in a box and I’ll put my reels together. I don’t care. Yeah. What I don’t understand is that the percentage that they’ve gone up, it’s crazy compared to a John Deere, I guess John Deere maybe gets a better price on steel than Toro does, but the cost was just unbelievable. It’s going up pretty quick. I like probably going to go up some more before. Oh yeah, definitely. And then of course I wish we had extra money in order, uh, doubled the order and then sold the other half and probably made 20%. That’s why I was curious guys, that if I give you a spot and you, you get the price at that now it’s not your fault that they don’t have it. So when I ordered my backup cutting units last year, the reason we ordered them, the day we ordered them is because we got word, the price is going up. So as long as we had a verbal confirmation, we would be locked into that price. And I still haven’t seen them yet. yeah, I gotta put my, uh, order in per June, her 20, 23. What are they saying? The delivery will be Taylor. If you put it in, in June. Spring of 2023. So I benefit of the doubt. I would probably say about this time, but in 23, cause I’m still, I’m still waiting on a second. it’s Alsco with a five and a half inch rollers and, um, uh, Toro 33 60 hybrid. Hopefully there’ll be in next month. And when were they ordered? Probably about this time last year. They, they, um, they were ordered before I had even got there in December. Okay. I think Jr got his order in and October of last year. And he’s supposed to get some stuff and GN, I think it’s the first few pieces are going to be there in Jean. So we’re already talking about, uh, placing our own issue here on yes. To price on and being able to like your are whatever we need. Yeah. Same boat. Oh, you guys on purchase. Are you guys leasing your units? We’re we’re, we’re a purchase that at our club, we’ve got, um, about a seven-year plan for each piece and worked out. Uh, we’re pretty fortunate that way. Yeah. I think I’m on about a 12 year plan with several of my. or lease, but we at least a bunch of stuff five years ago. And then they bought it all out this year because nothing was coming. And so I think everything we’ve got this year, we purchased, well, everything we ordered this year, we purchased not going to see it this year. Seoul is huge. Yeah. It’s the same with us. We’re we’re waiting on things that we purchased two years ago. It was probably once we had till 20, 23. Yeah, that’s crazy. But we got some, uh, we got some tournament news last week yet to, uh, to USA. A bunch of other SGA championships. When’s the USF. 30 is the fifth. One is the a hundred grand three-in-one winning at Oakland hill. That’ll be good for, I won’t be there anymore, but when you were breaking up a little bit, I couldn’t hear, or the first one is 34. second one is 51, which is 29 years away. So yeah. Yeah. Hopefully I’ll be retired by then. Maybe I’ll come up there though and hang out for the day. I’ll be, I’ll be 60 provided the hopefully I’ll tire, if not, you know, getting there. Yeah, yeah. Hopefully. Yeah. Hopefully I’m not dead by then. But we’re pretty, pretty excited. We got a 24, 7, 2 years. We got junior amateur and then 29 is the women’s amateur 31 is the women dress open 30 fours, the men’s U S open. That’s awesome. Yeah. That’s exciting. Going to be a busy, uh, peers. What’s the status of the clubhouse? Uh, I dunno, no word on that. Okay. Yeah. Trying to make their mind up, I guess. Uh, I think it’s, I think there’s a lot, a lot of things that go into that, but yeah. I don’t know. Yeah. Is it I’m assuming that a good location the club pass? Yeah, they won’t move it. Yeah. Yeah. It’ll be in the same spot. It’ll look the same from the outside. Um, Anywhere from it’s going to be sitting there he’ll fall before they started demoing it. There’s I dunno. There’s a lot of permitting and all kinds of stuff. Yeah. Are you all setting up trailers and that kind of stuff or? Yeah. So last week I had to basically move half half of my equipment. That’s outside to a different location of the practice. Continue to sit outside and they’re bringing in a bunch of trailers and stuff. Gotta be, uh, interesting for sure. Oh, Hey everybody. I got to run. Thank you very much for hosting this once again. Try and. And I want to see, let’s say if Justin wants to hop on here, since he finally quit working for the day, all right, Chris, take care and anybody else that wants to speak, let us know. And if anybody else got anything they won’t talk about. I appreciate everybody getting on here and I know it’s fun. Just get on here and then talk and see what’s happening. And definitely don’t see too many people, uh, and day day-to-day basis. They’re in perf other than people at work and they’re not really. You use that term really loosely. You could say they’re in turf. Yeah. There, there, there, and ADI, I say my super’s awesome, but he comes from a different, different breed than the rest of the people at work. Yeah. So we have good conversations. Some of the younger guys they’re getting to do it, so that’s good to care about what they’re doing, but they don’t care as much as like me and my boss do, but they sit there and I were talking like, we’ve got like, obviously we did first cuts, go out and look and stuff. You know, we’re talking about the teas or you seen some bowls in teas. And like, yeah, we were talking about that. Cause we cut our teas and our approaches and like our callers with the same mower and approaches and the callers look perfect. And teas of watching, just watching the heads off. Like, you know, we got to do something about these teas. Definitely got put some more time and don’t because like, obviously him coming in greens was his main focus and always been my main focus. But now that we got like, now we gotta tees and fairways deal with, like, I got the fairways kind of under control now. Uh, we had a lot of crab grass previous, so I’ve been on a pretty good plan with that. But the fairways, like way more fuller drop the Heights, golfers don’t like it. But we like it. Our clientele is a lot different than most places were public. And they pay like, I think like $88 or something for a season pass. And then they pay like eight bucks around through Monday, Monday through Thursday. So. We we go, I want to say 90,000 rounds a year. Wow. So it’s, it’s kinda crazy. And like get the conditions we have, like, like I said, the greens are always your main focus, but kind of getting everything else. We do a lot train there. Just trying to get water out of there. We’ve had them in, but kind of hard being union, trying to get stuff done is impossible, but it works out. I’m just curious for the guys up north. what do you, what all goes into deciding what height that out, out the gate and spring? We cut it, our normal height that we cut all year. Um, and the only thing that’s different is, uh, where air rating, right? And then a week probably a role for maybe two or three days after. And then the mower I’m sending out is like 10,000 higher than our normal cut until we go through sand until we get there. I’m not kidding, man. And I’ll drop right back down to regular height. Uh, we go out out of the gate or we’re going to cut all year. So like, we, I don’t want to say it was almost two weeks ago. Now we started cutting greens and then last week we cut fairways and we just caught the same height we’re going to cut at. Gotcha. We said all ours to, um, whatever we closed up at the fall. Cause also we’ll just, we’ll let it get a little bit longer in the fall. And then, uh, spring at those, those cleanup Heights clean up any of the winter chafe that gets up across and then, uh, we’ll ramp it down and get a nice tight or late spring into the summer. yeah, we don’t, we don’t change Heights like really at all. Pretty much. All we do is go lower. Like, uh, it’s like we were cutting fairways when I started there like 6 25. And dropped a half an inch. And then they raised back up to 6 25 and my new superintendent came in and we’ve slowly gone down to 400,000 and we just keep them there and they definitely filled in a lot better compared to what they were there a long time. Yeah. It’s, it’s crazy to get your density up the drop height and more frequently Boeing, pretty fast backwards. But like, so like I said, we had, we, we fought crab grass for till like my new Suber came in, even for his first year. It was kind of rough because he came in like late April, I think. So we were like past time to like throw out like pre-emergent. And, uh, now that we have applied. And not like chasing crabgrass, we’re actually proactive, not reactive. They like changed like completely how our fairways are. I’ve never seen graspy white in the middle of the summer, but when they went after crabgrass one year, they killed it all, but it turned everything white. It was, it was bad. And then trying to get back from that, it just turn into more crab grass. That’s what took over. Didn’t matter what we did. I said once, once we started dropping and everything filled in, like I was kind of when he was, I want to say last year, like first cut as we went from half an inch down to 400 and I’m like, oh, I don’t know how it’s going to look as you know, for not going that far. And did it came out really good. And I said, they filled in real time. What was the deal on your tease? John? You said bobbing. Yeah. Or heads they’ll like certain certainties. I can watch the heads, Bob and you’ll get like a Marcellin look. It’s only on the teas and all the certainties and where my callers and my approaches are like perfectly fine at the same hour, same speeds, same Heights. And we were talking about, you know, at my top dress and start doing some more like actual work on the T’s instead of just cotton and often. Gotcha. Do y’all know him in the same direction? All. So we’ll switch directions. Uh, whenever he tells them to. So like we do light and bark, our fairways and our T’s are opposite of what our, the fairways are. So lop it, like I said, I know, like we started one senior T on 12, I got watched it all last year and it didn’t matter which way they went. We’ll do the same thing. And I just, I almost, I has to be the ground is too soft because set up is the same. It’s just, it’s just like the ground perf well, no, if you want. Go down that road of not much maintenance and Ortiz or not. I mean, I definitely need enough. Any works is Allie even trying to move around, like feed markers, just beat up over the weekend, especially what’s up, David, Maybe it was a false alarm. David said he wanted to speak. I was going to see when he’s coming back through Atlanta to drive his mom’s car. You guys share me. Yeah. Yeah. I got you now. Awesome. Awesome. Good evening guys. Good evening. What are you doing, man? Good evening. Good evening. A little lake Palmer. I forgot all about it. Got caught up in a movie night with the kids. Nothing wrong with that. Yeah, I was, I was going, I’ll answer your question in a second there, Trent, about Atlanta, because that’s a big, long story, but anyway, um, I was gonna add to what Steph ask asking about, uh, pre-season set up as far as just getting your, your height styled in for the beginning of the season normally, cause we, um, we tarp our greens, so we get some exponential growth in the, uh, in the early spring before, before we take the tarps off. So you can never really have a base based. High-ticket kind of set them up and let them go. I always usually go out with the prism prism gauge and get a feel for where we’re at height-wise and just set accordingly, you know, just to get that top third off and then progressively just work them down to a, to an area that we’re we’re comfortable with prior to opening and then just ride it out and then progressively bring it down through the spring. Yeah, no, I was just curious cause we always spray snow mold obviously in November, but yeah, if we have warm weather after that, I mean the grass isn’t totally shut down yet. So we do get a little bit of growth fall and then also in the spring when it starts to wake up, it’s growing. So I was just, I took my prison gauge out there the other day to see what the Heights were at. And, um, you know, years past our directors told us, told me what, you know, I tell him what I think. Cause then he tells me what he thinks. We find a happy medium or whatever, usually what he thinks. Um, but this year he was like, obviously with all the same. So I was like, okay, cool. Let’s work chasing Heights. Yeah. It works out. It makes it a lot easier, but for sure, your, uh, I guess in their early, early season of growing, it’s little less susceptible than damages or diseases. So you can go at it a little more aggressive. Well, I think possibly, uh, we might just Tod dress ourselves out of it. I kind kinda caught in there. You’re asking them something about, uh, my return trip from Florida. Curious when you’re coming back through. Well, it’s been pushed up a bit. I was supposed to come down at the end of April. Uh, but my mom has got some health problems, so I actually flying out this Wednesday. Oh, okay. Gotcha. Yeah. Yeah. And, uh, getting her set up and on a plane for Friday, come back. So she’s not dealing with some, some, uh, health issues down there and take advantage of our healthcare system at home. Ah, gotcha. Well, I hate to hear that about your mom. That’s terrible. Yeah, it is. It’s, it’s something right. She’s just over 80 and she’s got some issues going it’s time to come home. So that’s, I’m going to, I’m going to fly down Wednesday and uh, you know, like I said, get her on a plane Friday and then start my Trek back with her car and goods. Um, probably Friday after I leave from her from the. So I might, I might be coming up the land away. I’m not sure yet. And then head, head east and go up that side this time instead of coming down, but 1 75. Okay. Yeah, that’d be cool. I think, I think I’m going to be gone next week. Yeah, next weekend. I’ll be in Kansas. I’m coming back, uh, on Monday, whatever that is, the left or something. So I might miss you, but if, uh, if you do come through Atlanta and you want to stop at the shop in Midtown, let me know, talk to Joe and get you hooked up. I mean, check out the bridge crime firsthand. Nice. Yeah. I’d like to see that actually, because it’s right off the interstate. If you’re, if you’re on 75, um, on the connector where 75, 85, Rhonda. Where they split on the north side, you take the 85 side and this is the first accident. And then it’s whatever, two miles off the exit, I get you directions and all that stuff. But it was pretty cool. We’ll let you know, by the end of the week, if they’ll be able to swing it, come by. All right. Cool. And then you can go up and see, uh, go up to, uh, see Michael Shelton. Maybe if you cut over east and go up that way. Yeah. You need to go to the, yeah. I might be able to organize it cause I can do most of my travel and then stay somewhere and then go and visit in the morning and then it throw it to him. Or, uh, after morning traffic. There’s Michael. Yeah, I’ve been trying to do. Yeah. I’ve been listening. Yeah. I bet trying to do tax. I got to do, since I’m married now I have to do mine and hers and oh yeah. But Debbie. Yeah, if you want to come on up, come on, check out everything I got going on. We’re going to starting tomorrow where hard your seat in the pond. A whole bunch of areas. We’re, hydroseeding, we’re starting greens mix on the greens that we already have done and sod should be coming in within the week so we can actually start sod and some stuff. So, yeah, I mean, we got a busy couple of days are busy, couple of weeks, so yeah. I mean, whoever wants to stop by after a month. I mean, that’d be, I’d be interested in that. I might have to reach out to you, shoot you a message on WhatsApp or something and get some addresses and might make work that into a couple of days while I’m traveling would be great. Oh yeah. I mean that, and just seeing now the forces right now, I mean, just nothing but dirt and being under construction. I mean, that’s just fooling itself to see, I don’t know. Are you thinking about coming up 95? Actually, it was kind of up for suggestions. I haven’t really traveled that, that side of the country from south to north. So any suggestions you welcome? Yeah, I don’t know, honestly, either, but I know when I went up to the Northeast, I went 85. From Atlanta and then cut over. But, but didn’t really anywhere close to Mako, but I was thinking 95, you’d be close to Jerry, Kara. Um, and Jacksonville. He’s just north of Jacksonville. Yeah. If he came this way, I mean, just take 95, Bethel, Jacksonville come up. basically skirting you in Atlanta. coming up chords like Augusta and coming through Georgia and hitting South Carolina like that. I mean, you go 95 to 20 and then 20 take your ride on back up. I mean, hell he could go 95, 20 at, uh, early about a C stage Matthew Friedman that stage. See me. And then there’s a couple of good places along the way back towards 95 to state 20 back to 90. I don’t know. Where does 95 runs up the coast? Pretty much so, right. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it runs up the coast, but I mean, you could take one I’m you could get off on 95 states, Forney come through, basically Georgia, South Carolina, then it just head straight east. You get back to 95 and for Darlington area, I got you. I mean, it’s a long loop really? I mean, yeah, I don’t, I mean, honestly, if you wanted to David, just hop on 95 and see everybody in the Carolinas. Yeah. I’d like to try to do that. I can only condense it into two. I might be able to stretch it into three days travel. Cause it’s pretty busy trying to get ready for open here. And, uh, that’s why it’s kind of not a godsend, but the fact that I’m going down there now instead of the end of the month when we’re opening and things are rolling still. Right. But, uh, yeah, I’ll, I’ll try to reach out and kind of get a, uh, a pin on where everybody is and maybe kind of zigzag my, my trip north that way. Well, that’s the other thing I was thinking at 95. If you go through Richmond, uh, John Murray’s and Richmond and Caleb McKinney he’s in Richmond. So you’d be going right by there plus. And then I don’t know where you, you switch over to get to where you’re going. Yeah, I am not sure what way I’m going to go off. I’m going to stay kind of central and then go up through a few area and up to Buffalo or go all the way up the coast and go straight up that way. I’m not sure yet. Where are you at in Canada, Nathan? I’m out in Toronto. So I, it, the, the Buffalo and, um, the Buffalo border crossings closest to me. Yeah. Niagara falls around well does let us know if we can help and I’ll be happy. You telling me kind of which way you’re going, anybody that, uh, I know, um, send you, send you their way. Okay. Yeah. Let’s, I’ll, I’ll figure it out over the next couple of days and then reach out and WhatsApp there and see if anybody’s nearby in a bike. And I’m in their neck of the woods when I’m at a good time of the day, I kind of crappy it’s over the weekend, so I don’t expect anybody to be at work, but stop in and check it. I’ll be there. We worked seven days a week. What are your hours? Sun up sun down Monday through Saturday. And then maybe 1, 2, 3 on Sunday. Wow. Yeah, like killing it when y’all was supposed to open. sometimes spring of 23 are going to close for the summer and then the official opening is next September, September 23rd. Okay, cool. Very cool. Well, if y’all ready, I’m ready. And yeah, I don’t, I’ll probably won’t I won’t be here, but I mean, anybody can do this. It doesn’t have to be me. That’s a really easy to create a space and I’ll definitely listen to we’ll talk to my will get Mike to set one up for, I think he will. He’ll do it. Just tell him you’re going to talk about cutline all night or no, the line cut. That’s what we’re calling it right now. We’re getting Mike to set it up and then we’ll just talk about rebuilding engines all night. Or if you really wanted to mess with him, you could talk about how good Bernhardt is. I tell you what guy she’s got a lot of guys up, up north here and their knickers in a knot that are selling a Foley’s. And then I heard that all this 200 trap for the boat coming north in the Toronto and everything else. These guys, I talked to a couple of salesmen this week and they’re like, man, that guys are forced to be reckoned with social media wise. Oh, I mean, it’s definitely part of the game, you know, Kelly, get out there and put your stuff out. I don’t Taylor still on here. He’s converting. Right Tyler. Hey man, I’ll be listing. I think a tailor is converting and Kevin Henneger is converting. Yeah. Sorry. I, uh, as a bail for a minute there. Yeah. We’re um, work at work convert, and then she’ll be getting them, probably in the summer, um, again, just with everything that, uh, you know, they’re, they’re, they’re doing some pretty cool stuff, so it, and it worked out like with my shop space and everything like that, it just, uh, uh, just really worked out. That’s one thing I do like about their machine is the smaller platform. That’s the one thing I, don’t not like about Foley is how big they are. They take up a lot of room. Yeah. Yeah, I can definitely, uh, I could definitely have a pretty good nap in there. And Chris was talking about going somewhere to hide. I could probably pop up in there and close those doors and then catch a little 15, 20. All right. We’ll see. Y’all in the WhatsApp group. Take it easy. Well, thanks guys. You guys

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