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Trent Manning: 
I’m not a big gold creator either, but I know a lot of other people are, so I thought, Hey, maybe


Trent Manning: 
let’s see if they have Jerry wants to say anything. Do you have any goals for 2020 to her? What do you want to get done this year?

Uh, I don’t know. Like you said, I’m not a big real big goal guy I mean, pretty much just do the same thing I’ve been doing. yeah, I don’t know. personal goals I mean, my wife and I are about to have another baby in June. So

Trent Manning: 
congratulations. Uh,

that’s my goal

Trent Manning: 
is to

raise, raise another baby. I guess.

Trent Manning: 
What number will this be?

number two,

Trent Manning: 
Alright, good deal.

we’ve been popping babies out in the, during COVID

Trent Manning: 
That’s good. I guess.

stressful time to be raising a kid.

Trent Manning: 
Yeah. Right, right. Hey Jerry, what’d you get what’d you get going on this year?

Hey, what’s going on? How are you doing

Trent Manning: 
Good, man.

Well, I’m going to pull some stuff that probably should have been a long time ago. and kind of sparked something I was listening to about Carlos. Cause I used to work for Carlos and, Uh, he really get some depth on the people that worked for him. And I’m gonna throw that on myself in 20 to get to know the crew numbers a little bit better this year.

Trent Manning: 
Oh, that sounds great. That’s a really good idea. So my director of agronomy just shared a book with me and it’s called a, there’s kind of like a work book and it’s a, I said this, you heard that. And, uh, it’s about, um,


Trent Manning: 
I’ll get my thoughts together here in a minute, but, uh, it breaks down, breaks people down into different colors. So red, green, yellow, and blue, and it’s kind of interesting to see what our other employees are. So I had the guys in the shop, uh, take it off. So, and it gives me, uh, a lot better perspective on how I should manage them, knowing what their traits are.

yep. That sounds excellent.

Trent Manning: 
So I, I would, I would recommend. Well, this is a free for all on what you’re doing this year. Anybody that uh, wants to join in, just hit the button on the bottom left of the screen and, uh, asked to speak. We might have the who’s who’s of mechanics in here. Ben beard, John Barroso, Orlando. I figured we would get, uh, an appearance from Dewayne. We’ll have to say about that. We’ll see if, uh, all the bans kids are in the background. What’s happening, John.

Not much, same thing new year.

Trent Manning: 
Happy new year, everyone.

Yep. Definitely a looking forward to a better year than last year. Got rough for awhile.

Trent Manning: 
Yup. Are you over the COVID hurdle?

Yeah. Yeah. Like, I mean, it really was just like a week where it was kind of bad, But it wasn’t really bad, I mean, obviously like people were much worse shape than I was, but any fun I can tell you that

Trent Manning: 
yeah, for sure. Well, you got any special projects you’re working on for 2022?

Not, not really yet. Um, probably my biggest, goal is just to improve what I’ve improved on last. year with like, Grinding schedules, and keeping up with a quality of cut on course, try to just improve everything. Because like I said, I kinda last year was a big improvement for us with new grinders and actually having like somewhat, of a plan, I guess you could say to our previous years. it was like, hurry up all winter? everything ground, and then just go through the year and Not grind again. where now we’re wanting less time to grind We’re grind to now So it makes, it makes everything a lot better. And the superintendent, you know, he definitely is on board with it, so that’s good.

Trent Manning: 
Do you get any extra help during the season like that

during the season? Not really. Um, so like in winter, off season, as well as it were, if w if we have, like, if we can’t go. on course and doing it. Uh, like all of our crew stays just how we are. So like, they, Uh, they’ll help do oil changes and stuff. What usually ends up me having to go over there anyways and, you know, help them out. But, um, so it does take some of my workload off. in the winter of like doing all the old changes. But, um, in season, like since we have like 11 people working at our course, so, like 27 holes, it gets kind of hard to have any help. Um, I mean, I’d like, I’d like to put on like a summer person, but that’s not my decision. I’m going to try to push forward that either have like hire summer help in the park system. that The weed whack or do whatever. But I’d like to have one, like, you know, high school kid or someone in tech school come in and, you know, spend a summer with me, And, you know, he could actually, you know, work on the course and work with me when I needed him. But that’s to be determined if they’ll, uh, it’ll do that. I think it’d be a nice, a nice thing to get somebody in there just to see what we do.

Trent Manning: 
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And hopefully train the next generation.

Yeah, because before, like I said before I, even before, I took this job. I had no clue like this existed, so I’m not the only person out there. It doesn’t know what we do or you know, at the time and now I know what we do, but,

Trent Manning: 

but like I said, just improving,

Trent Manning: 
Ben beer. What’d he do in this year?

oh my God, literally, it’s going, gonna sound so cliche. I don’t even realize that it’s 20, 22 already. I mean, I talked to a set. Are you all set to mention when this pandemic hit in 2021 I look back and It’s like, oh, you know, as I hadn’t mentioned and whatnot now look back in here. I got an another infant and it’s like, holy cow, I just, I just want to catch my breath, try to catch that a little bit.

Trent Manning: 
all right, I got you. You sounded like Seth,


Trent Manning: 
all these COVID

I’ll figure it out. I want you to go figure out what causes that, but I’m not sure if I want to know, know the keyword to it,

Trent Manning: 


Trent Manning: 
I hear you.

no one thing we’re getting, trying to get some More revive, our, some of our education. and stuff like that. So we got next week is our MTF or MTF conference. I got Mike coming up. He’s going to be coming up. So, uh, looking forward to hearing him and, um, meeting him and doing that, um, uh, I think that’s kind of One thing also. kind of off subject of the 20, 22, but kind of was thinking, um, when they just mentioned about grinders and grinding throughout the season and whatnot. There’s one thing that I got a question for some of the guys up in the more Northern is, do you always grind in the winter time? Like for instance, I don’t, grind my greens mowers or my team mowers because, um, I grind. them like before their last Moe’s. Um, so they’re sharp and then also we like, for instance, on greens, we top dress. heavy to put them to bed for the winter. So You’re going to be so when you go out in the winter time or go out, in the spring, you’re moping up sticks and grass or, you know, and worm castings and all types of stuff. so kind of a question for some of the Northern guys. If that’s something they do. And I know it’s off, off subject, but of a question I

Trent Manning: 
good. Anybody want to take that Seth or John?

Uh, I used to always grind everything. in the winter. Um, this year, my, Uh, greens mowers. I just, you know, double-check them before I put them to bed. for the year. Uh I did grind my team hours, but the one, was getting new reels anyways. And then the other one it was just, I just keep on the grind on those anyways now. So, but Yeah, I definitely left my, uh, my Greensburg. as is for this year, but we’re supposed to have new reels common but I don’t know that they, they were, they were ordered in may. So we’re still, uh, up in the air for my backup. reels for the greens. So I don’t know. I grind everything every winter. just because, yeah.

Trent Manning: 

I mean, I’m, this month I’m going to be replacing 30 reels. So, I’m

Trent Manning: 

not really. It’s just

Trent Manning: 

time to join him. Yeah. I mean, you’re on what, three or four? You’re three or four year lease. I’m on year three of fairy mowers. Okay. That’s about right. I mean, they’re there to the point where we need to change them.

Trent Manning: 
was there,

Uh, three years old and no, and 36 holes. I mean, those, those, those fairy units. go out every day and some, Sometimes we mow 36 holes in a day. So it’s time.

Trent Manning: 
I don’t, I’ve been guilty even down here on our rough mowers, not grinding them in the winter and wait until we go out and kind of scalp everything down and then put a grind on them. But luckily enough, I have a lot of help in the shop, so we can do that, you know, while we’re Mowen to what’s happened in Mike.

Yeah. I wasn’t, I was swear to God. I wasn’t, planning

Trent Manning: 
Y you never plan on talking, but you always have something to say, and I love it, man. It’s all good.

Always, always hope everybody’s doing well, man. Happy new year, everybody.

Trent Manning: 
yep. Happy new year.


Trent Manning: 
I was trying to get a map to talk on here, but I keep sending him him a request to speak, but he didn’t have anything to say, I guess. And then Brian, if you want to say anything, hop on here, man, we’d love to hear from all y’all

how’s everyone doing This is my first time being able to get on one of these things. You’ve been busy on Sunday evening,

Trent Manning: 
I understand that. Thank you, uh, for making time for us.

So I kind of hopped on a few minutes late, but, um, I was curious anybody else, in aviation of this group, cause that’s my one goal of personal goal 20, 22 is, uh, getting recurrent. because I do have my private pilot’s license. I have a buddy who who’s getting into it as well, and doing that. And I was just curious if anybody else, Anybody else is into that as well? I am, but not in the real world. I am virtually, virtually. Yeah. just like some Flight simulator. and stuff like that. Oh yeah. I’ve been doing it since 94. yeah. That’s Awesome. And that’s and when I was a kid that’s what, uh, that’s what got me into it was flight SIM And I was wasn’t the kid who was just, you know, doing loop de loops and everything I was doing all the lessons and I bought like a book and everything. So the first time I actually stepped in an airplane, it was, pretty familiar. it was pretty wild, actually. Um, and That stuff’s amazing what you can do with

Trent Manning: 

Oh yeah. Especially in The virtual side. I mean, you can actually talk to air traffic controllers that are on their side of the, fence, so to speak. And Matter of fact, I’m doing one a flight right now. but I’m not aligned for air traffic control, but flying from Dallas.

Trent Manning: 

There you go. Yeah. And then I know for, for us, you know. us being down in Arizona, we’re, uh, Um, you know, now going back to more professional stuff for 2022 for me is that, uh, you know, being a 365 facility doing holistic shop upgrades and improvements is tough because yes, the winter, is slower for us because it’s so busy with golf. uh, but still, it usually doesn’t really stop. Give us more stop time for us. So um, my my assistant and then my other sister, and I, we came up with this past week

Trent Manning: 

we’re going to set up an auxiliary shop and we’re finally going to pull out everything out of the shop, redo the floors, um, put new, put some new airlines in with above, uh, hose reels for airlines and, um, some electrical and things like that. So we’re really, really stoked to finally get that ball rolling? Cause we’ve been talking about it for a few years. now because our facility is going on 21. We just turned 25. This past summer. So, um, it’s time to kind of get some stuff sorted out. for the future.

Trent Manning: 
When you install those airlines, what, uh, what are you using?

Well, what’s there right now? is half inch, uh, Copper lines. for everything. Um, And I have to look into more about what we should do, but that’s what was, Plumbed before for it. So I don’t know what everybody else is using for that. that was gonna actually be a, something I was toss out to the WhatsApp group here pretty soon to kind of start to dial in thoughts on that

Trent Manning: 
was everybody else think, I mean, I’m kind of black pipe kind of

Yeah. That’s, that’s, what’s in our shop. Um, I know like you can go into like, uh, It’s not, it’s not, it’s not really, pecs, but it’s made for airline. but I know it’s not cheap because it’s like aluminum, there’s aluminum layer in it and it’s more flexible, but like, it seems like iron pipe is like the way to go. Yeah. That makes sense And I, again, I don’t know, I don’t know why the decisions were made when it was built out over long ago for it. but that, That makes sense. for going forward of. Yeah, that seems to be like the go-to for airlines, as long as you have a,

Trent Manning: 

like somewhere to drain off. your condensation in the line. I mean, of course you’re in Arizona, in the hub pew and it gets down there compared to here, but, and we still with the big temperature swings, we still cause you know, I mean, like we had the other day where it was 28 in the morning when we got in and it was 72, by the time we left. Um, So even with the big temperature swings, we’ll get condensation. And, uh, We do fortunately have uh, uh, at the end of the end of the one line in the shop we do have a valve that we can clear out, clear out moisture and obviously on the compressor itself. But, um, but yeah, all of our stuff we have, only in the, you know, my shops about like our actual technician area. Plus our parts room is and grinding rooms about 2,400 square feet. Um, so with a four post lift in it and all the other auxiliary stuff we have, we kind of really sat down and we’re kind of compartmentalizing everything. And we’re actually looking at, because in our equipment storage area, I can’t remember how many square feet it is. It’s, it’s a large area, but there’s, we do have our two roll-up doors that lead to the outside. And those are like 12 or 10 foot. 10 or 12 foot wide. And about, I think, 12, 12 to 14, feet high, something like that. Um, but Then we do have a roll up door. That’s smaller that leads out to the equipment storage area and in that first bay that’s where we keep like our tires and stuff like that. So we’ve, That’s what we’re going to kind of convert into our uh, our auxiliary temporary show. And, you know, we kind of mapped it all out how we’ll set, because we’re going to pull the grinders out And everything too. So we’re thinking like we’re going to be kind of using that auxiliary shop set up for a month or two while we get through everything. Yeah. I’d say iron pipe probably be the easiest safest to me. You definitely don’t tell it all use PVC. I can tell you that it’s way too many people. Like, I mean, like, I guess if it’s like, you know, small home, whatever, I still wouldn’t recommend it. It’s just, when it goes, it’s not good.

Trent Manning: 
Yeah. I’ve uh, had PVC and my shop since 1988 and knock on wood. It has not went,

you pull it up putting like, uh,

Trent Manning: 

oil, like dispensers or we’ve talked about that. I don’t know if that’s going to be in the cards. this go around.

Trent Manning: 

and you know, cause we we right now just do, uh, you know, 55 gallon drums that we get delivered as needed. Um, and So we haven’t, it’s not too much when we do hydraulic changes. Cause we just have all manual transfer pumps. So that’s been something we’ve been looking into. So hydraulic changes that gets a little to be a little bit of a bear, but. for day to day general PM and everything like that, we’re, we’re pretty, we’re pretty all right with how We have it right now, but we’ve obviously talked about how we’d love to have it someday. I think everybody would just, I mean, there’s one last time he got a transfer from one barrel to another, you know, in the machines. That’s nice. It’s just not like, you know, obviously cheap to do.

Trent Manning: 

absolutely. And that’s the thing with like these, these improvements, you know, and I know, everybody’s operations are different,

Trent Manning: 

this is all this comes out of my line, in a sense, if it, my line, is anything from, you know, repair to, um, you know, preventative, and then also anything related to shop supplies or upgrades all comes out of that same line. So it takes a little bit of foresight and planning to make sure that we can do these improvements, but still not materially affect keeping the, fleet going as well.

Trent Manning: 
that’s definitely something I want to try to get in. I doubt it happens this year, but hopefully within the next couple of years, we’re gonna redo our shop and I will be adding the oldest Benson capability.

I said it just, It was so much easier I mean, like, you know, automotive shops, it was like the shops that had over. So much nicer to like just even do a little trans, but obviously you’re doing a lot more oil changes in a dealership and you are like at our courses. but like I said, it’s One last thing where you have to transfer you don’t have to walk over Even like little ones just had the wall pumps and like get a bucket and go over there. It was validated and you know, you’re getting the right amount big in the old pump system I used for the last, I don’t know, four or five golf courses I was at I’ve used the barrel pumps from Northern tool comes on a card with wheels, the pump, the gun. And I think it’s only like $658

Trent Manning: 

like electric Now it’s air cheap. And, uh, the nice thing about it is you can wheel around and put them away and pull them out. And then, it comes with a 50 foot hose on a real.

Trent Manning: 
yeah, that was a really sweet, do you have anything for secondary containment?

Yeah, the yellow, yellow drum that fits on the cart.

Trent Manning: 
Ah, I got you. Oh, that’s awesome then. Yeah. Heck yeah. Northern table, huh?

Yeah. I’ll take a picture of it Tuesday. Put it on the WhatsApp. Nope.

Trent Manning: 
Anybody else got anything? It’s a quiet bunch in the new year.

I think we’re all just trying to recover from the last two years. It’s so crazy how fast everything went, but like, it seems like forever ago, this started, but now we’re here in 2022.

Trent Manning: 

And going, and going on that point, my director of agronomy and I, every so often, when we’re sitting down and chatting about, you know, the past two years and um, you know, every everybody’s situation was different. We were unfortunately a, uh, a club that there was a point of time where we did lay off part of our staff and that whole scenario of going through that was an eyeopening experience, a learning experience. And then, You know, there was, there was a two week period where it was three of us maintaining the whole property. Um, And, you know, then obviously once once it was shown, that golf took back off and everything like that, we were able to bring staff back pretty quick. But, um, that seems like, you know, you guys just referred to, it just seems like it was yesterday and you know, now we’re, we’re rolling up on two years later

Trent Manning: 
from it.

And the, uh, the crazy thing was that the kind of the story, how it goes. is We, it was a Wednesday it all kind of went down and on Tuesday afternoon we told staff like, Hey, be prepared, It’s going to potentially rain the next day. So might be kind of a rain day and all that stuff, And then we were actually given the directive to ask guys just to call in. and then, because they were figuring everything out. and We come in that next day and it was clear blue skies, bright and sunny. And It was ironic. how that all kind of worked out that way. And it was a very, very bizarre thing. for sure.

Trent Manning: 
I know. Well, one of, one of my goals here for a 20, 22 is have a mechanics meet up at Jr. Wilson shop and the Hamptons. And since, yeah. And since Mike and him are both in the space, we’re going to talk about it right now, because I was thinking about this the other day. I was like, we can’t. So we’ve got an, a, a text the other day. I mean, it was before Christmas. So a few weeks ago, and I said, we’re going to forget it. We’re going to let it go by. And then they go happen. We’ve got to get on

ready to bring it. up

Trent Manning: 
Yeah, so I invited Jr to speak. So he’s welcome to pop in here. If he wants to, if he can figure out how he might have to get one of his kids to come help him out.

was probably the worst is because he can’t speak. We can just continue to try.

Trent Manning: 
oh, Nope.

Um, I’m here

Trent Manning: 
All right. All right. What do you think, Jay, are you still wanting to do something? Always? Okay. Well, let’s make it happen. Okay. Yeah.

whenever you, guys want to do it. I mean, March is probably the best time and maybe we don’t have much going on, but, uh weather-wise but other than not,

Trent Manning: 
when’s your shop and everything going to be done?

uh, not until the following year, but, uh, I will be what I will be, you know, we’ll be our driving range will be done by then. Hopefully

Trent Manning: 
Okay, sweet.


Trent Manning: 
How was a Christmas dinner, other shop?

oh, uh, we had to cancel actually, because a COVID came through town, so we’re like, yeah, yeah, it’s supposed to be awesome. And then it was going to be great. And then

Trent Manning: 
just the

COVID came through town and just wiped us all out. So like

Trent Manning: 
do you mind,


Trent Manning: 
do you mind telling everyone who was going to be there to cook the employees Christmas dinner?

Oh yeah, we were going to have Michael Simon was going to come and cook for us in my shop. So yeah. it was pretty cool.

Trent Manning: 
Yeah. How cool is that?

Yeah. I don’t know if everybody knows who he is. He’s pretty cool guy He’s a down to earth. So then naturally they were all joking about it. Cause there was some other member saying something and they were like, oh yeah, we’re going to have our famous, our one. member is going to bring his famous meatballs. And Michael Simon was chime in and saying, oh yeah, I’ll be there for those. So it was pretty funny.

Trent Manning: 
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That’s allele now is,

Yeah. No

Trent Manning: 
um, what’s his name? The other chef. Bobby Flay. See a member there too.

Yep. Yes. Yep. They both members.

Trent Manning: 
Cool. Is that

Yeah, we, Bobby doesn’t come as much, but Michael’s spare a lot. So it’s great.

Trent Manning: 
yeah. Yeah. Very cool.

Yeah. So yeah, no, definitely. I’d definitely be into it. Um, March in time and early March would be great. to get some, We have some openings in some houses that we have. So when we’ll be opening up at that time to get them back up and going to the staff. So there’d be some spots for people to come. I think we definitely should do something. I think it would be cool.

Trent Manning: 
All right. Well, we’re going to make it happen one way or another and me and Mike’s going to be there. It might just be me, you and Mike, but, uh, well, we’ll have fun.

are always. Yeah, I think it’ll be great. We can, uh, start getting everybody on board, start talking about it, in the WhatsApp group. Uh, start talking about it here in the spaces on Twitter Um, and try to get, like, we were talking about in the chat amongst the three of us was, um, getting a bunch of whatever kind of professionals we can, in there, whether they’re welders, whatever we can do, all kinds of classes and things like that. Some continuing, continuing education, uh, uh, episodes and things like that for the guys I think would be really cool. Yeah. I mean, anybody can chime in anybody in the group or whatever, anybody has any ideas, always looking for different things to look at, you know. Yeah. I always say you can learn something every day. You’re doing that. You’re actually working on it. Otherwise you’re not really doing anything, you know, try to learn something every day. Yeah. I couldn’t agree more. I learned that from Tucker and then. Actually doing it right now because I’m putting that little presentation together for the MTF show that Ben was talking about earlier. Um, and that’s one of the first things I say in it, like, look, I’m going to I’m going to cover a lot. of stuff in this presentation. Um, some of it may not fit you or your shop, but if you can pull away one thing, Um, that fits you, your shop, your budget, your manpower, whatever. um, and it’s still a victory and it’s, it’s one new try and it’s, it’s advancing the industry. Um, at least the one little bit, in one way. So, uh, I couldn’t agree more

Trent Manning: 
yeah, that’s where I’ve always been too. Yeah. If I’m not learning, I’m going to quit and do something different.

Yeah. Yeah. That’s why I play with the machines, like the mill and all that stuff. Just because that always gets me to learn more. Did you see the video that the turret laid? I sent in a post on Twitter or in the WhatsApp group? You might, I’m not, I don’t know if I, I haven’t even ended up to the WhatsApp Again, I lost it when I got my and it’s all screwed up. So I got to get it back up and running. I’ll text it to you. We have an alternate way that the factor in and Carl, I think you’ve met call Pillbra mark

Trent Manning: 
6 30,

the thirties or 37 or something like that. Like six different it’s that you can put on pop in the next one. And you can do that thing and literally like, six fractions and just power through all your fixtures and stuff. Pretty cool.

Trent Manning: 

Especially the old ones. You know what I mean? When it, when you turn it on and the lights dim, that’s when you know you got something four minutes, just to get it up to speed. Yeah. I mean, we may have a grinder in the back and true to that. Just a little tabletop grinder Um, you turn it off. and you’ll come back six minutes later and the stones are still spinning. I actually got one of those. I got one from a guy an old, like industrial grinder. I didn’t want to show it in my thing. No, because it doesn’t have the right guards and everything on it yet. It still needs to be worked on. if you turn it on and it, and it’s like the wheels start spinning and then you shut it off. Like you said, like six minutes later, it’s still, still spinning them like that anymore. No, no, definitely not.

Trent Manning: 
I guess not I don’t dear Jerry trying to say something

yeah, I wasn’t telling Mike next time he needs to let us oh, shit. I don’t even know. what was, I think, uh, it was, it might’ve been the Harbor stone. That’s right. That’s right. Yeah. For the spin stone, I think it was right or released one of the other, I mean, I will say, the heroine’s kind of tapped out. It is a quiet spaces tonight, but.

Trent Manning: 

I think one of my goals, is doing this little presentation. Ben, if you’re listening, um, this thing’s cool, man. I mean, I tried, I told Ben, I called, I texted him earlier It was like, Hey man, um, I know I said I could do like a 60 minutes, but I could easily hit 90 now, maybe even two hours. Cause I’ve just been adding a ton of stuff to this presentation, I will say. for 20, 22, I’d I’d love to do more of these man. I mean, my main goal is more tournaments And you know, meet more people and continue learning as much as I can trying to continue to just combining everything. I learned from all of you guys into one big giant thing. Um, but uh, this presentation is really cool to kind of get it’s nice to get all of your thoughts in the one place. You know what I mean? Trying to like, cause I bet you and your equipment managers. Things and do it. It took them 15 years to find these things. I’m getting it for free, kind of catalog little spot, and that’s basically what I’m doing. Um, and that’s what I’m going to do for the show. Okay. There are 4 million different ways to skin the cat. I’m going to show you all 4 million in this presentation. You take what you want. Um, and I think doing these presentations, I’m not afraid of public speaking anymore, just because I’m used to doing the demos all the time, and stuff, but, um, just getting out there and trying to share this wealth of information, or I’d like to call it the cheat codes. Right. You know, um, just getting out there and I think sharing it with everybody will be nothing but beneficial as well. So a personal goal for myself, amongst many others. is to try and do more of these presentations. This will be the first one I’ve done. Um, awesome. I’m really excited. It’s a little sloppy right now, but I’ll hone it in throughout the year.

Trent Manning: 
Well, and if you, uh, if you need to hone it here in Georgia, I’ll be happy to step down and let you have some time.

I’m not following JP.

Trent Manning: 
Um, well you want to follow David pre cock.

Uh, I don’t know. I know it just said I want to do it, but you guys are some heavy hitters up

Trent Manning: 
I’m putting you on the spot, man. You want to do it or not?

Uh it’s basically. All right, so I do want to do it, but I’m basically combining what I’ve done is the combined Batterson con unit management presentation with barks when he used to call extreme grinding. But he designed that literally like 12 years ago today, It’s not really considered extreme. pretty standard stuff. Um, for today’s golf management. But, um, So it’s going to, honestly answer your question. I will be basically doing what Patterson’s doing just a little more in depth, basically, Um, let me think about it.

Trent Manning: 
okay. I mean, I’m putting you on the spot. It’s all good. Um, but if you won’t,

me to,

Trent Manning: 
if you, yeah,

I think he should do it.

Trent Manning: 
if you want more opportunity, uh,

I’ll even show up Mike, I’ll drive up and show up

Trent Manning: 
you should drive up Jerry seriously, whether Mike speaking or not, you should come up and hang out with us for the day.

actually here in a couple of weeks. I may be up in your area, but I’ll look you up. I’m going to be in the neighborhood.

Trent Manning: 
yeah, definitely look me up. Cause we ain’t got a whole lot going on right now. I say that we got plenty going on, but if you’re coming up, Jerry, I’ll take it. I’ll take a break and you can come by and the chit chat or I’ll meet up with you or, or whatever. Um, What else did I have? We got quite a few more people in the space now, which is great. If anybody wants to speak just a request to speak and we’ll, uh, cue you up,

I’ve got a question for you. What is that? What’s that

Trent Manning: 
uh, WhatsApp is a messaging app, if you will. And most of the people, um, in this, can you, uh, mute your microphone? Thank you. That was a ton of background noise, but, uh, most of the people in this space are in the WhatsApp group. And I mean, we just talk about whatever, um, daily problems or Mike’s favorite real theory. Yeah. So if you’re interested, just, uh, send you the. Link on D emulate the link or something like that to get into the WhatsApp group, but a ton of good people in there sharing good ideas and having a good time.

Yeah. If you’d done the, um, total combined math of experience yet Trent, on what we got, you got 60 plus guys in there now.

Trent Manning: 
yeah, something, uh, we were over 60. Some of them, I don’t think are active. I was thinking about cutting, cutting, cutting a few out. Um, not that it matters. I don’t care how many we have, but if you’re not participating or if you’re like Jr. And you fell off the wagon and got a new phone and can’t figure out how to get back in. Um, yeah.

I will say set. That’s awesome, man. Um, I don’t know how often you’re on your phone or social media and stuff like that, but, Um, and yeah. we could obviously I’m biased all, I talk about real theory cause it’s my career. But, um, the guys in there talk about everything from hydraulic, uh, drainage, I mean all kinds of stuff. And um, you learn something new every single day. in there. I know I do. So, uh, it’s a, it’s a great resource, uh, aside from having, fun and, you know, catching up with all the guys, um, having people to talk to. It’s just, it’s a great resource as well.

Trent Manning: 

I definitely

Trent Manning: 
sounds cool. I

hear you guys talk about it. I was just curious what it was It definitely feels like you can go more in depth that we can on Twitter on like a lot of subjects where we get lost on Twitter, where like in a WhatsApp group. We kind of like actually could discuss it in a. Easier mode, I guess, is what I look at it. She heard a couple of guys talk about like sometimes the Facebook. groups can be like Aggressive, not aggressive, but just like, there’s a lot of, uh, like flat out you’re wrong and that’s a terrible way to do it. Kind of comments. They are very toxic. That’s either it’s turf equipment or automotive or whatever group you have on Facebook. It just seems like there’s certain situations where you get a good answer or like you’re trying to help. somebody then like you look at all these other messages and it’s like, holy crap. It’s just very toxic. Wait a minute. The guy actually made a good point I was going to try it. And now everybody’s like, this guy’s an idiot. Oh yeah. There’s just, I don’t know. It’s Facebook side kind of, get what you can from it and yeah, it’s pretty bad.

Trent Manning: 
I just say to see people have to preface their story with I’m new to the industry. Please don’t beat me up so bad. my question and I mean, that’s BS. So if you’re in the

It is.

Trent Manning: 
you just asked your question and we’re going to try to help you. Cause that’s all you need. My

My favorite is when someone asks you a question on there and it’s returned a Toro or John Deere and everyone just says shouldn’t have bought it. It’s green or shouldn’t have bought it. It’s red. There’s no stupid question. because I asked many, many stupid questions. So you got to just remember, there is not a stupid question out there.

Trent Manning: 
with that.

Yeah. I posted something last year on Twitter. and, Uh, just basically it blew up. from about five, six people and then another 10 and It was more or less at my statement was Hey, this is what I’m seeing. It’s all it was. And just got blasted on it. First and last time,

Trent Manning: 
Right. I mean, yeah, there’s a bunch of BS out there and that’s what we’re not going to tolerate for in the WhatsApp group. So as a, no BS down, unless we’re giving somebody a hard time and then it’s all game.

which is fun

Trent Manning: 
Yeah, yeah. No, it’s, it was fun. I mean, the banner we have and

definitely a good group of people on there. Definitely a good that’s a great group. It’s a great group. I have a question then. I mean, Trent,

Trent Manning: 
I kinda know,

Well, I don’t know what your goals are at work at the office, but I know you’re working hard on real turf texts and stuff like that. But for, you know, for the Jr’s and for the trends, Matt, I don’t know you too well, Seth, I don’t know you too well yet either, but, um, I guess more for Jr and Trent, I mean, aside from real turf techs, Trent, I mean, what are you guys focused on in 2022? I mean, you guys have done everything you’ve been around. for a long time. You’re seasoned vets. I mean, what would be a Reasonable. goal for you guys in a, in a year like this year coming up? Uh, my biggest goal that I’m wanting to do is I want to push an internship for technicians because I think it’s a dying breed and, I don’t think that, uh, there’s enough people out there that know. what we do because anybody you ever talked to always asked me? Oh, you work on golf course. Yep. That’s what I do. I work on golf carts,

Trent Manning: 
you going to lawnmowers to

as much as

Trent Manning: 
you’re a Mercedes,

Yeah, no, as much as your Mercedes, I work on like five of them, I have, but don’t worry about it. You know, Nobody knows nobody understands. So that’s my biggest thing is to push that. And I have a couple of kids, actually. I have one in, um, national links in America. Uh, My cousin, my nephew, I should say, sorry, he’s working He worked for me as my, as an intern, and now he’s working over With one of the guys over there, um, as an assistant and then um, my other nephew right now I have him go into Atlantic and he he’s working as going to work and start in March in the shop as being, an intern. and then, um, I have an intern in my shop right now that actually he goes to school on, um, five days a week, but he comes to my shop a week. So he comes Tuesdays and Thursdays and I sign off on them. I got to deal with uh, and, uh, I’m doing teaching with them. So It’s something that I’ve been really pushing on and I really think that we should get more people involved and we do it for, they do it for assistance superintendents. Why can’t they do it for soup, you know, assistance for, uh, for, us

Trent Manning: 

in the long run it’s going to help the superintendent because I don’t know if everybody sees it, but a lot of the newer guys, and I’m not bad anybody. but a lot of the newer Superintendents. They don’t really know how to turn a ranch because they didn’t really grow up on the farm. You know, they grew up in the city and they wanted to play golf, but they didn’t know how to turn the wrench. So, uh, the older guys. basically, You know, grew up on a Pam or They they kind of taught themselves because the equipment was so.

Trent Manning: 
not an

Technical it is now. so I would like to see us, you know, that’s my, goal. that’s my biggest goal.

Trent Manning: 
I don’t know if anybody has, well, I think that’s an

Yeah. I think.

Trent Manning: 
Jr. And more power to you. I’m so glad you’re doing this and I hope more people can do it in the future. Do you Jr. Have housing or anything like that for the interns or where do you get the interns? Because that’s definitely something I would be very interested in.

Well, you know, um, one of the things we did was, is We went to um, high school and we went and talked to the guidance counselor.

Trent Manning: 

you know, when I started with the robotics, program with the kids, when my son was eight, uh, in eighth grade, we, uh, there was eighth grade all the way there, you know, senior. and, uh, there was kids in there and I was like, wow, where did these kids go from? You know, some of them, they didn’t want to go to college. or anything, What did they go? What did they do? So I was like, there’s gotta be something. So I went and I talked to the guidance counselor at the school when I was like, listen, you have any of these kids that are going to a trade school or going to something that has want to turn a wrench for, me, because maybe they don’t want to go to school or whatever, and we’re losing them to whatever. And So that’s where I first started and I posted a thing. And I got a couple of people out of that. And then, cause I’m in the fire department, we had some juniors and my I’m lucky because all my nephews are more heads. So I grabbed them and put them in different places, You know what I mean? So that was kind of where I went, but like Jagger. I’ve actually got from. One of the tool guys that came around to if you talk to the two guys, You know, there’s all these guys that are in the tool truck, you know, a guy he knows everybody and he’s going around, and you think about it. He’s going to all your different shops, but they all have kids that may want to turn a wrench, but they don’t want him to do automotive. But if you can talk them into it, tell them, Hey, listen, come look at this. This is a great career. That’s where you can get some, you know, That’s where I got this list Jagger. He’s doing really good. And then I got, him to, it took me three. kids To get it until bogies would come in to let me do it. But I finally got it. so they’re doing it. And now I’m actually getting those. getting other kids for me and we’re going to put them in difficult courses.

Trent Manning: 
That is so awesome. Good on you Jr. Ben, did you, you had something?

Yeah, I was wondering. is, you know, cause that’s kind of something to be as to Couple of things, We, uh, I know you got with GCSA get and having national where we put a, you know, kind of put a, almost like a BPM, but I, we put in, do some work, get an internship. They didn’t have a curriculum for that. So that way, you know, guys can look into that and then pursue that. And, um, I guess that’s an old, the only thing is, like he said, where do you get it for? Like the guys that want to be in trouble, like Ohio state has a cert program and they do an internship for EMS. Um, that’s the only one that I know of, but the other one that I thought, of a diamond when I was going through automotive is you could do a summer, um, for credit for like an extracurricular credit or whatever, you could do, um, you know, go to a shop and work for. So if that would be something, if you would get with your local college, you know, um, local community college as someone who has an auto program or heavy diesel programs, Hey, listen, what do we need to do to have an internship that you guys, they could also learn college credits for it too? I mean, that’s kinda, I liked the idea. I just, we we’ve been toying around with that up here in Michigan. And Tyler kind of do that as, um, kind of something like that here in Michigan. It’s just you, don’t where to start. Where are you going to get the guys from? And then what, you know, what is it at the end? You know, what do they get? Like, what validity is that going to have? Or. are you going to try to get auto mechanic and switch over? Or how is that going to work? It’s just, there’s a lot more, but I think this is something that even if we got GCSA evolved and, you know, we had an internship through them or something, um, that would place them. I think it’s a great idea. uh, sorry. Jr. Go ahead. I just, uh, you know, like I said, the way that started, I mean it, and it doesn’t have to be all about turning a wrench too, because it is great that the guys want to come in the shop and turn the lunch, but we make them go out So they know how to cut a green And how to rake a bunker. that’s part of my, thing. They need to know everything about being out on the golf course. It’s not just about turning a wrench, you know, there’s days that they’re in they’re turning their mentor does, but there’s days they’re out there raking the bunker, the cutting a fairway or doing something cause.

Trent Manning: 
I feel that

Oh, equipment technician should have run the whole aspect. and the way you’re going to be able to troubleshoot something is if you do it, So you grab a greens mower and you go out and cut, you know, you can see the problems If you don’t do that. I feel that you don’t know what’s going on. because you never did it. You know what I mean? So just things that, how we, um, thinking about teaching, It’s not that my way or the highway. I’m just saying, it’s just different ways to look at things. And I think grabbing kids, I’m talking about high school kids, you know, going from guys that are coming out of high school, you’re getting an 11th, 12th grader, and you can do them through the summer, maybe a 10th grader. You can grab them and use them as an intern, in the summer, and then you can work it through. And then, then they can go farther from that point, you know, an older gentleman yet. I don’t know. if you could call that. I mean, I guess you could call, him an intern, but he wouldn’t be considered an intern. I think he would be considered something else, but a younger kid, they don’t mind that because they were kind of getting the whole aspect of everything. Well, so that’s what Todd bone, the director of a ground amount of desert mountains, trying to do right now with, uh, assistant soup interns and things like that coming from Michigan state, actually, I think, and I think don’t hold me to this. He’s doing something Ben, uh, similar to what you’re thinking is like working with GCSA. Um, and they’re calling it Jr. Like you were just talking about an apprenticeship or stewardship. I think it was called a stewardship. So, um, that term maybe crosses more age limits or boundaries or whatever you want to call it. So, um, Todd’s work on something. I was going to talk to him out in San Diego about that, um, and trying to cross over, um, to the equipment manager side, Um, Clinton McKee up at big Cedar over Missouri. um, he’s working with Arkansas state or Arkansas tech or something like that Um, just across the border. I’m from Missouri and they have a little program for like small engines and, you know, uh, power sports stuff, a jet skis, four wheelers, all that, And he’s pulling some kids in there giving them tours, things like that. of the facility. Um, because they don’t even know that we exist. Right. Like you said, Jr. They think, oh, you just, you work on a golf course. You’re just the landscape or kind of, you know what I mean? Like that’s what people think it is. Um, and so Clint’s doing some really cool stuff too. So, uh, I think that’s where it starts And Trent and I were talking about it at the Carolina show. Uh, even if we’re just going to like your local tech school, just trying to start something there, Uh, but I like shit, man. I like your idea of way more, man. You just go straight to the GCSA. Let them throw some money and power behind it. Um, and try to get a more national presence right off the bat. I think it’s a great idea. well, and then continuing on with that too, you know, I’m, I’m I’m a part of a third-party management company. And for me it’s been something I’ve been working on now, the past few years, but there are all these resources and support when it comes to agronomy, but nothing specific to our side of it as technicians. And I think that for guys who are in that scenario, like me, it’s it’s, shouldn’t be a scary thing to start that conversation. I’m fortunate because of my geographic location. I’ve been able to have some of those conversations because of where our corporate office is located. Um, so I know that’s for me. I want to get to that pursuit. in that I’m now our operations at a point where I can dedicate more time to those pursuits of trying to make the our, our company as a whole understand, a, what all goes into this, on this side of it for us, but then to the shortage of it, Cause we discuss it all the time. I don’t know if it’s at the corporate level, like it is discussed for director of agronomy, superintendent, assistant superintendents, and how they keep tabs on all those, guys about who’s going to, you know, who’s a rising star who’s, um, who’s next in line, those kinds of things, because a company, as large as that, I’m a part of, it’s kind of boggles my mind sometimes that when we have an equipment manager opening that we maybe should have somebody identified already that, Hey, we know they’re willing and able and interested and then they also have those skills and ability to do that. And so then there could be less downtime for a turnover. that could help out properties that are part of our portfolio. Um, so that’s, I know one thing I’m continuing on in 2022 on I keep hammering that message and see from, you know, from an intercompany way, we can start to take care of some of those things and promote, from within, and also, you know, try to continue to recruit because we know we’re not represented getting close to over 650. properties. It’s like, there’s a lot of moving pieces there. Why can’t we utilize those moving pieces to benefit us and the technician side and on the equipment management side. of things. And I think that’s a great point. And I think the thing is, is that you have to remember that either, you know, as you, as I get older, I’m going to be 48 here soon. And, uh, I’m not going to do this forever, but, uh, there’s going to be somebody who needs to replace me. And then there’s going to be people that I love to actually send. Like I have two other assistants that are one is in California now, and one is in shelter island and they both turn a wrench for, you know, and they’re the head technicians now, you know, that’s what I, my goal is to try to get as many guys out there that are taking over to take over new spots, because like I said, sooner or later, Senior wrapping it up.

Trent Manning: 
Yeah. I think that’s totally right, Jr. And I’m trying to do the same thing. Unfortunately, it’s not easy because you hire somebody and you think they’re going to be good and it just doesn’t work out, you know, for

You know

Trent Manning: 

it’s, it’s definitely not easy yet. I agree. Um, there’s a lot of, uh, you know, there’s a lot of ups and downs. I mean, like my one assistant, Um, I had, he’s now doing great he’s out in California but, uh, We had a problem. every time we adjust a mower it’s in the mower out and he forgets for folks, one side would go up and it would scalp. And I must have went through this, gotten screaming matches. we’ve gotten all these different things and then finally came to me and said, you know what, you know what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna make them torque the bolts every time. So I gave him a torque wrench and I said, it’s 30 pounds. And we had to torque each one, every time

Trent Manning: 
he was gone.

We did that for two weeks. And after that two weeks, we never forgot.

Trent Manning: 
That’s awesome. Go ahead,

Oh, I love it. No, no, no, just un-muted so Jr. Could hear me laughing cause I love it.

Trent Manning: 
Yeah, that is that’s. That’s really good. Yep. Repetition, repetition. Got to beat it in their head sometimes as bad as that sounds.

And and the thing is is that, you know degeneration gaps too. I mean, um, I, you know, my, my nephews one’s 2117 and a Jagger he’s, he started with me at 16. And I think now he’s, he’s turning 18. So he’s been with me for three years now, three per se and uh, you know, the generation gap, but sometimes you’ve got to look at them. They can help us better than we can help them because it’d be like look that up on the phone. for me quick. And They can look that up so quick. It’s so crazy. You know what I mean? The computer is. The one with it in their hands. You know what I

Trent Manning: 
Right, right, right, right. Yeah. This is a funny, quick story. I was looking for basically a tie rod end to go on the end of a gas shock. And it was a six millimeter thread, half inch hole and McMaster cars. My goat. So, um, and McMaster-Carr trying to find one of these and my assistant comes in and he said, I found this on Amazon and it’s a aluminum billet machine. Perfect. And they were whatever, three bucks. And I was like, okay, I’ve ordered those.


Trent Manning: 
It was awesome.

Yeah. And that, that’s what we always say. Like, I always say When there’s something, I don’t know, it’s a game time when something breaks like a sprayer breaks or something and it’s got, and it needs to get back out there. You know, how you get all jacked up and you go. You go when you fix that piece of equipment, get it back out, And yet you feel good about yourself? but I think I feel better now watching So else fix something that I taught to do. it. You know what I mean? And I think if you, if everybody takes it as that thing it’s not that they’re taking your job. over there. You’re teaching them a career. So down the road, They can take your job over because you’re not going to be in it forever. And that’s, I think we have to get through that. Some people have to get through that. but They’re not there, to take your job there. you’re there to teach them to be able to move on or down the road when you’re ready, to move. on.

Trent Manning: 
Yeah. No, exactly. And I think something else is important is, you know, don’t be scared of who’s working around you and they’re going to be better than you because I think that happened some in the industry too. And there’s no place for that or time for it. Train these people as best as we can and ship them out the door, get them on down the

Yeah, I can’t speak to it because I’m not an equipment manager, but I mean, just from general business or anything else in general, uh, kind of leaving a legacy too, right? I mean, that’s, at least me personally. That’s kind of would be a motivating factor for teaching people as well. You know, like it. Wouldn’t come from a selfish, like, oh, they’re here to take my job thing. It would be more of like one to help this kid, at least, you know, like I’ve got mentors, JP is my mentor. Um, I like to think and hope somewhere down the road. I can mentor somebody else too, and kind of leave that legacy. So that’s another reason to try to help, you know? educate as many people as possible.

Trent Manning: 
Yes. For sure.

And one thing, Once you

Trent Manning: 
Once you

you start doing it, it’s addictive.

Trent Manning: 

mean, like we get to deal with the robotic thing and all the different things. It’s just, you know, there’s kids that come into the robotics classroom, don’t even know. what a screwdriver or a Phillips, so extreme. Could you, could you get that Phillips head screwdriver? What’s that, but that’s what sometimes you’ve got to deal with and that’s what makes it so good is the next day they come in and you say, oh, do you know where the Phillips is? And he knows what the films is. Hey, you learn something. could be a little thing or a big thing. and, and what I was going to mention, how everybody Yeah, what everybody talks about. uh, You know, not being afraid of the next guy, taking your job. And that’s the mentality. I I’ve taken from the beginning is I want to have our operations set up so that anybody can walk in the door, And start going to work. And that’s one thing too, with the shop upgrades, and, uh, everything that I’m looking at doing is cause I’ve, I’ve had the unique experience of going and assisting other properties as well. Like many people have, um, and when you walk into a shop that doesn’t either have the tools available or the space, whatever it happens to be, it takes your efficiency down so much when you’re starting to get, you know, get going right away. And you know, that’s a lot of my motivation is I don’t, I don’t really want to, you know, I’m going to train them and make my guys that I work with current. better to go on, and, and get get to the level of being an equipment. manager or a head mechanic, whatever the term is going to be at their next property. But two, I want to make sure that the next person in line who’s coming after me someday is going to be able to walk. in and there’s not going to be this initial struggle of trying to get going. And It feeling like it has to be catch up and all those things. Cause I went through that and it, and it was no fault of the previous people in my position. It was just how the operation was set up And so by doing that too, it allows us then to keep that ball rolling. Cause there’s a lot of times, I think, you know, if any of us who have these really good ideas on trying to get our industry to the next level. We then, kind of, you get hiccuped and you might be set back. a few steps because if you go into a new atmosphere, new organization, And then, we’re like, and then you you’re really focused on that Cause that is your initial responsibility, and your primary responsibility, and you lose sight of a lot of those secondary things you’re working. towards on what a lot of us are trying to work towards making the industry grow, uh, from our end. And that’s the big thing is I want my organization, anybody to walk in and be able to start doing their job and be successful. Uh, I don’t want it I’m not trying to make anybody struggle. Who ends up in my position someday. I think that that’s a really good thing for properties to think about as well, because you never know what’s going to happen. Things change rapidly in people’s lives, and you don’t want to, you want to make sure that there is going to be no big step back in relation to our world. Because if we do that in our world, it helps obviously our director. of agronomy and everybody else in the property as a whole. So we need to make sure that we as an organization are prepared for those next steps and when it comes to job training, internships, those things like that, just all starts to roll into it. Because if, uh, if we do get a young kid who comes in on an apprenticeship and internship, And the shop is kind of in, if you call a disarray or, uh, it’s not well set up, like that can be discouraging as well. And so that’s, that’s where a lot of my motivation for my current goals for 2022 are going towards is making that all possible.

Trent Manning: 
That’s awesome. I agree. We just got to keep on keeping on and get more people in the shop. Get them turning wrenches. Well, if y’all are ready, we’ll call it not where

I was going to say, don’t you have a, Yellowstone coming up.

Trent Manning: 
well, the Yellowstone is at eight, so I got 55 minutes, but I do have to get this next episode, uh, finished up and, uh, get it submitted. So it’ll drop Wednesday, but thank you all so much for coming on. I appreciate you being here and we’ll be here again then.

Thanks everyone have a good night.

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